Julian Vargas

Please tell me DUAN has seen this new Tim Tebow commercial? If not i'll give you the gist: he basically says, "they said I couldn't...." and adds in a new thing (win Heisman, get drafted, etc..). All in all, I still think the guys a douche.

@All Over But The Sharting: Or do some PCP, it'll give you super-human strength and invincibility. A home burglar has no chance against that kind of power.

@Phintastic: I'd say sneaky hot. She doesn't always look hot, but when she does, she does.

@Trot Nixons Hat: There's always the chance that the home intruder murders the pizza guy, steals your pizza then goes back to breaking into your house.

@WhynotstartYunieveryday: Impressive. I've got cats, a dog, and a hamster. I'm up for a 3 vs 3 animal brawl if you're game.

@Walk Off HBP: I heard about that. He's a nice guy and all, but dude needs to stay away from the Four Loko.

@sweatingmullets: Sorry to snarky but, really? Is that you're question? Shouldn't the question be: "How long before I make a move?" or "How long before I take pictures of her sleeping?" or "What is the best way to get her to not press charges?" etc...

@Cyrus_the_virus: Damn, I knew Vargas wouldn't be a believable fake last name.

@Cyrus_the_virus: Can I get a peek at the classified documents you're going to steal?

@Phintastic: No sign of the Garza Strip, but the Garza Goatee is still buzzing.

@All Over But The Sharting: isn't he in Kanye West's label? You'd think Kanye would give him some walking around money. I mean, what the hell? That guy is way too good for that.