

I like mine with a LITTLE mayo with cut up hard boiled eggs and a bit of salt. I like to eat it with tostitos. Try it!

Smoked paprika, chopped olives (preferably green), a small amount of celery.

Canned salmon with (homemade) mayo, balsamic vinegar, and capers is my new thing. I'm a bit weird with my vinegar love, though. Oh, and...

I like to add mayo, curry, fennel seed (or celery seed), and some paprika, as well as salt and pepper.

I'm generally on a mayo/pickles/scallions/celery kind of tip. HOWEVER, I recently discovered something amazing: chopped almonds. Don't question, just try it.

There're some suggestions her I'm gonna need to try... Anyway, for my answer: I usually go with mayo, diced onion, celery seed, oregano, garlic powder, and a pinch of cayenne (just enough to add flavor, not enough to be all that hot). This all goes on lightly toasted bread, of course (preferably either Italian or

With celery salt and white pepper.

Yours is the correct answer.

Free G ’n T? I'm in!

Considering that she was sharing a stage with RUSH LIMBAUGH and her's was the weight that was mocked.....


I hope this kid emailed back "lolol didn't read."

she was coherent, thoughtful, and smart.

Let's start with one finger. I'm not sure I'm up for more than that.

Eh. It's just an old guy who tries too hard. That's not really scary.

work/no work , transition or not, Bruce beats Kris any day .

I wanted to give a shout out to my favorite commenters but I knew I would forget cool people and look like an asshole. So I'll just say Gella is the sweetest and apparently I am engaged to Adultosaur.