
Giving men paternity leave would actually go a long way toward destigmatizing maternity leave. Right now we treat raising children, and particularly babies, as almost entirely the mother’s responsibility. Women are penalized for procreating and men are not because women are expected to make major lifestyle and career

This is horrible all round. I used to know a woman who ran a non-profit that worked towards advancing prisoner rights in Canada. Talking to her about the issues that prisoners face it make you realize that practically no one cares one iota about people behind bars. Once we lock them up most of their rights, their

Because consensual BDSM play has nothing to do with actual rape. Many sex-positive feminists engage in BDSM without it conflicting or cancelling out their feminist politics.

Lots of women have rape fantasies. Please remember that kink shaming is not okay, and neither acting in nor viewing videos simulating rape is an endorsement of actual rape.

they are referring to the new hotline set up by the MUPD for people to call in any “incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech.” which is preposterous.

No they’re saying that the police asking people to report “hurtful” language is really vague and an absurd threshold for investigating something.

Pedant Alert:

I agree but I hate false arguments exhibit A Slate’s headline:

This video shows an officer assaulting a child. Why the “appearing to assault” language? What is with this false objectivity? Why write a title that softens what this officer did to this child? The video speaks for itself. Sometimes assaults are justified (such as in situations of self defense) but that doesn’t change

Sex is not just cheap, it’s free.

Yeah I totally love jokes that dehumanize Black and Brown people on the grounds that they smell, are mentally ill, or are rapists. So funny. But anyway, honestly, she’s just as guilty. White liberal “feminist” comedians can take a hike.

I wish Jezebel wouldn’t post so many positive things about Amy Schumer. As a Mexican woman, it’s appalling to see how Jezebel still uplifts her while ignoring that she’s said so many racist things about Latinos and other people of color in her jokes. What really makes her any different from Trump? And don’t say that