
I *hate* every one of your goddamn autoplaying videos! STOP EMBEDDING THEM IN UNRELATED ARTICLES! If you want, make a thread for them, so I can *CHOSE* whether or not I want to watch it. Of all the changes at Giz, this is the one I irritates me the most, and along with the never ending article scroll RUINS the

Let me tell you about my least favorite video: all of them, because they randomly show up in the middle of unrelated articles, break the flow of reading and AUTOPLAY, and as a result I’ve only pressed play accidentally.

I mean, who’d have known, aside from the 37.25 thousand entirely unrelated videos I’ve had to continually pause when they start automatically playing in the middle of an article I’m attempting to read.

(Seriously guys, if you want to post a video, then post a video. Don’t jam it into the middle of an completely

With all this sexual assault stuff going on these days, I thought it was ok to have consensual sex one night and then change your mind about it down the road. Or does that only work for women.

Is there a chance the guy is very hetero and that such an undisclosed, important bit of information is really throwing him off? Should he just shrug it off, flip over and say, “why not?”

Okay so we should be able to kick a woman in the vagina or stab their breasts. I mean we can play this stupid little game where I call out YOUR sjw bullshit & see who wins because I’m not after power.

Ok, so just to be clear, they are leaving the fact that she kick him in the groin, but it’s not okay for someone to stumble forward after getting shanked in the gut, accidentally place their hands on her chest ARMOR, and then express regret before immediately getting killed?

those damn sjws struck again!

It’s just as you say. The movie sucked in ways many video games do because the movie was made the same (wrong) way those games are: end to beginning and bullet-point driven.

Liberals don’t care about statistics. You must be new to Jezebel. Welcome to Jezebel, where facts don’t matter and feelings are everything because, YAY, grrrrll power and boys are stupid.

Yes, the girl who sucks cock on camera for a living can’t handle blow back from her bigoted views. That’s society’s fault. Women really are unaccountable for their choices, aren’t they? Are all of you still mystified that the world is run by men?????

Or perhaps it is getting all the props because *gasp!* the lead is a woman.

“One GameStop employee, speaking anonymously to avoid career repercussions”

My mother has been a constant ‘Selectee’ since as long as I can remember. She is about as radical and scary as a cheese cake. So unless you know a lot of pension aged, service driven, God fearing, former school teachers named Mohammed stuff that racist shit back up your ass and choke on it. It ain’t funny ‘Bill’.

Actually, no, they’re not. They’re not (unlike in the US) overwhelmingly the descendents of slaves. Secondly, abolition happened much earlier, there wasn’t a civil war about it. Victims of institutionalized racism? Absolutely. On the same scale as the US? Nope.

And yet the OP wasn’t confused.

YOU are trying to shit in my coffee.

“Given that Charlie’s family is so impoverished, I’m actually not surprised to hear this. Most of the children in the book fit a stereotype of the time, and a black Charlie would’ve fit with a lot of images of black American children.”