
Enrollment in youth league football has plummeted when you look at the statistics from 2010-2016 (“3 million in 2010 to 2.169 million just five years later—a massive 27.7 percent drop”), and high school participation rates have declined for the last 7 years, nationally. A lot of this coincides with concussion research

Well, you first have to stop it at the Pee Wee and high school level, which I think mounting liability insurance costs will abolish long before this country’s rotten morality does. I am not a huge soccer fan but watching five minutes of soccer and seeing no commercial breaks, it’s really hard to switch over to a

How many more NFL players/former players have to die and/or hurt others in incredibly disheartening ways before the league actually starts trying to help these mentally and physically damaged people deal with post football life? I know players have the free will to choose football as a career path, but when the sport

A handful of reasons. Namely to confirm that it was in fact suicide, as the autopsy is needed to confirm that a) the gunshot was self-inflicted (i.e. wasn’t simply made to look that way), and b) that the gunshot was in fact the cause of death (i.e. not killed in another way and then shot in the head postmortem in an

Mama was right when she said never to trust a person with 2 first names.

Despite all their influence, college coaches don’t dictate who officiates their games. This goes for any college coach. Next, I’m sure you’ll say the league is in cahoots with Coach K. Well, keep in mind that the ACC Commissioner is John Swofford, who is both a Carolina alum and former AD, not beholden to any

That was never said in the video. Trying to figure out what exactly Redford was going for in attributing fake quotes to the player. I mean it wasn’t funny or anything. And I can’t imagine it’s a good look for a “journalist” to mislead his/her audience with fake quotes.

The real story is that her family seems to be really good (in a bad way) of making national news. Her brother is famous as well: http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/05/us/texas-shooting-gunmen/

If you really dig in to where her family studies their religion (here is a hint, it’s where her brother’s funeral was) and what

You should try it too since they were referring to the comments on the previous article, as alluded to by the OP. Good try, dipshit.

Went back to read the comments on the original story. Maybe we should just hold off on publicly shaming everyone accused of a crime until all the facts are in. Just a thought. And kudos to Deadspin for posting a follow up. A lot of media outlets probably aren’t going to bother.