Street Fighter 5, Mega Man, and the crappy Dead Rising remasters didnt already sour your opinion of Capcom?
Street Fighter 5, Mega Man, and the crappy Dead Rising remasters didnt already sour your opinion of Capcom?
RIP Denny Green
Consoles are doing just fine. Here is a look. Compared to PC gaming, I would say its very healthy.
That’s not the point. Sony’s slogan is “for the gamers” isn’t it? This is a slippery slope and gamers have to vote with their wallets and let Sony know that this is unacceptable. Its just like EA access where Sony made the decision for gamers instead of letting their paying customers choose whats best for them…
Since you’ve played the entire game how would you rate it overall?
I just downloaded this through EA access, and planned on playing it today, so this is a pleasant surprise for sure.
Rogue is the main reason I like Marvel Heroes 2016 as much as I do. She works really well in the Diablo style of games.
8 player online c0-op in BL3 would be madness that would be hard to compete with.
Why are the X and Triangle parallel, but the circle and square are not?
I thought for sure ESPN was pulling a God father with the NFL as a favor until I read that.
I want to say something “witty” or sarcastic, but Im just so beaten down by mediocrity that I honestly dont have it in me. Hey maybe this is our year? Sigh :\
Maybe Im using common sense when reading his statements, but maybe he should clarify his definition of multi-player? Maybe he means basic co-op? I’ve seen the videos where he declared that his game does have multi-player but its highly unlikely it will ever happen. I just hope he clears up his previous statements and…
He followed that up by saying” Two players finding each other on a stream on the first day- that has blown my mind” So no that is not clarity.
Gatorade me bitch.
No Sean Murray turned down outside funding help. Sony is advertising the game but not helping fund the development of No Man’s sky in any way. This is a terrible rumor that needs to stop.
The Xbox one S is selling really well despite Microsoft unveiling the Scorpio at the same time. I wonder how much better sales would be if they had waited to show off the Scorpio until next E3?
You didn’t get a chance to play sea of thieve or Recore?
Hardline was made by a different developer. The same people that made Dead Space.
Marvel Heroes 2016 Anniversary event. Free heroes, free team ups, free pets. The event is awesome.
That’s a reasonable request. I did a quick read over of the top 20 comments or so and it seemed like the words “entitled, spoiled, console kiddies, and children” were used way too often. So it seemed like the PC modding community were attacking console users and generalizing that all console users were younger people…