the judo madonna

Toilet Seat Kid is my spirit animal hahahaha

Didn’t want the new coach to do better than him. Ego is a helluva drug.

My (half joking) theory: they were too incompetent to know they're supposed to keep records. They realized "oh shit", and made this up out of whole cloth. Either that, or the UKR guy knows how to fluff trump like a master, but i don't really hold much hope that any head of state these days is anything approaching

Reporting from small town Ohio: Men won’t vote for a woman, and women around here actually think the woman’s liberation movement is the worst thing to ever happen to them. Gloria Steinem is a four letter word. I wish Bernie and Liz would combine their ticket. I want it so bad, but people are so fucking stupid, even

At Ohio State we definitely heckled the Michigan band as they got off the bus. We definitely never touched them, and it rarely went further than “booo, Michigan sucks”.

Thank you for this article, it was fascinating and also you done goofed not asking about Carl Parsley

Days with a Splinter Post without a typo: 0.

100% this. I got a little too big for my britches in high school, got tuned up in front of about 1/3 of the school. One of the best things that's ever happened to me. I'm not kidding.

I always thought it was weird, but i never held it against them. I used to go to this nerd day camp thing in 3rd-6th grade, and there was always a few Horse Girls there. They were openly nice to me when i was an awkward introvert. Live and let live, etc.

I didn't read this article. Why is this not a giri nathan story? He's the only one that can make me care about tennis.

Earnest question. What do you think would happen if Sanders/Warren joined their tickets this early in the race? In my head, they would dunk Biden to the center of the earth, but I'm willing to admit that might just be wishful thinking on my part.

absolute money corrupts absolutely

You thought 3 was boring?! I'm willing to cede that it was little more than a collection of action set pieces, sure, but a guy got kicked to death by a horse! And he beat someone to a pulp with a book! That's a pulping via pulp! I don't share your opinion at all!

Seriously, what the fuck is this?

Hire a copy editor for fuck's sake. This reads like you're having a stroke.

I shout this at anyone who will listen, but sadly, too many of these dumb-dumbs can't see past "union dues". It's almost heartbreaking.

I don't disagree with you, but why would someone publicize it? That's just furthering it. Fuckin' no one has a sense of shame anymore and i hate it.

I was super on his team when he was in full "fuck you, pay me" mode, but after reading those texts i hope someone smashes him in the head with a ball-peen hammer. The world is burning already, we don't need more garbage.

They both sound like awful people.