
Look, I’m penis not here looking for dink a fight, but it’s weiner misandrist comments like dick yours that make peepee it so hard for men boner and women to unite dong against common enemies like 45.

These jabs are great and all, but this motherfucker was still part of the reason Trump won. The whole hand size thing...can dudes stop thinking about their dicks for like 2 seconds?

A chubby guy who likes to stir up controversy with bombast, a dismissive attitude towards neighboring countries and seemingly fantastical accusations of unfairness is exactly the guy you’d expect to Make América Great Again.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Cleveland Browns of police.

Burner, please
We’re going off what we have. It’s the internet - comments and takes don’t wait til after closing arguments.
What we have is some very weak sauce - a fucking felony for pushing past someone - against a high profile, outspoken black athlete.
This is what it looks like right now.

Upon further review, if we

If Chicago had decent weather it would be the greatest city on Earth.

Having lived in Chicago for a number of years, and now living in Austin, I’ll say this. 90% of Chicago is meh. But that 10% brother. That 10% is worth all of it. A 75* summer Saturday in Chicago is one of the best experiences you can have. I very likely will never move back, but I will debate moving back forever.

Getting involved in Rugby is a great way to avoid drunkards.


I see the typo! They meant to put an actual stadium name but instead they just wrote something called “Guaranteed Rate Field”. LOL classic

Someone should of looked in there style guide. But for all intensive purposes, they could care less.

Wait, what? I don’t really care for that particular courtesy, but you can’t deny it exists if you have ever watched anything more than a negligible amount of non-American soccer.

I have it on good authority that thousands of Muslims will be celebrating in New Jersey...

I mean dems were trying to stop Dubya from starting an illegal war that got millions of people killed and destabilized an entire region for the foreseeable future, spy on citizens, discriminate against gay people, illegally kidnap, torture people and imprison them without trial indefinitely and a bunch of other

Mitch McConnell blocked a Supreme Court appointment. Fuck off with this “both sides do it” shit.

C’mon, Chris. Geno just threw it out there and once again the wrong guy came up with it.

Yes, but it’s his own fault for responding. Really its the shittalk he mushroomed.

Because the NHL is the only one of those organizations whose sole job is to make money from American and Canadian consumers.

Better yet, let him keep his foot in the crease.