
Consistent rules? That is to laugh.

Where the hell did this TV stealing come from? Oh I know....

That would also appear to be an alternative fact. 

A genius.

Both stolen from Princeton.

When she was in high school I had to explain to my daughter that a tweet was not a text. She learned the hard way.

When someone says, “I don’t care what your political affiliation is, you have to laugh at this...” you know which side it’s coming from i.e “Sore-Loserman”, “Occupy Herbstreit”, etc. 

I hate to see the American game trump the rest of the world, but those shootouts were far superior and much more exciting to watch. Just please don’t run the clock backwards.

No YOUR an idiot!!11!

You’re Murphy to a fault.

You can take that to the (5/3) bank!

My team: better than Trump!

ah, no

Falstaff is the perfect soundtrack for this.

Let’s turn this question over to NASA.

+1 awesome business card

A chinadontist could help that. See D.W. “Bud” Prine for a referral.

I’ve made 16 medical trips to 3rd world countries and while not deceiving myself for a minute that I’ve made a big difference in the lives of the people there, I do feel that young people on our teams have changed their lives after seeing how most of the world lives.

I am a doctor and do not associate with many doctors. They are mostly assholes.