Judge Hershey

But Bustos still isn’t ready to disavow anti-choice Democrats. She said in her statement that she still believes in “our big tent Democratic caucus” and warned progressives that “every dollar spent trying to defeat one of our Democratic incumbents is a dollar that we cannot spend defeating Republicans.”

Hate to break it to that guy but the kid doesn’t look anything like him.

I like to think we can all be mature and respectful when discussing sweater stretchers. The toy robot body is nothing to be ashamed of. 

Mammaries are sorted of implied though...

Remember, dears, here in the UK we can do this sort of shenanigan without any mindless fat fuck pulling a gun out of their lacy y-fronts. And if you are planning to do something like glazing a putrid sack of aborted slug fetuses with a cheap overly-sweet confection? Chocolate milkshakes are best. They stain.

It’s going to end up being the best kind of shitshow though. 

Nigel Farage’s milkshake brings exactly zero boys to the yard.

This will get buried in the greys, but whatever.

I was the girl that got ditched :(
My best friend in elementary school lived next door and we were both kind of dorks. Overnight, like literally the day we started middle school, she blossomed into a cool kid. The first day of 7th grade we both wore black pleated skirts and green sweaters, except she looked like Liv

I read enough Garfield as a kid to know telling him he’s going on a diet will defeat him. That and antipasto.

Holy crap, that was Lyman!!  It all makes sense now...

They also have the rations for their apocalypse bunker too so it may be a while.

Yeah, probably were easier ways he could have pulled that off :)

I can’t find it off hand, but there is a fairly recent vid of GRRM where he explains that at the very beginning deal, he assumed that there was enough material in the books to date for - 10 to 11 years of series.

variant Christie Suspension.

Russian roads are so bad that even a Bentley grand tourer evidently isn’t comfortable to drive on them.

All those people that watch Fox News and bought gold will be ecstatic.

The gold standard is legitimately a child’s understanding of economics, and it’s bewildering to me that so many people think it’s a good idea.

First, let’s stipulate that the stock market did very well on a percentage basis during the Obama administration post-2008 recession when the Dow hit a low of 6,547, and when he left office it was 19,827.