My father was one of the people that used that stupid x-ray foot thingie. Sure it wasn’t enough to irradiate him but he looking at your foot-bones in your shoe proved to be quite the novelty!
My father was one of the people that used that stupid x-ray foot thingie. Sure it wasn’t enough to irradiate him but he looking at your foot-bones in your shoe proved to be quite the novelty!
I like beisbol but I dislike them cutting to the booth where they’re all farting all the time!
Seriously, we have a resident NSX (Acura) around here in Seattle. I’ve actually stood next to the guy because my idiot friend was just gaga over it...back in ~03
Meanwhile those morons are trying to raise funds with shit like this —
I saw that earlier video of her following and then I had to housesit and it just freaked me the hell out!
It’s total coincidence that eight hundred thousand fire fighters show up to my place for some old lady with a bladder infection!
Doesn’t Ukraine mean Frontier?
We love you Anna and wish you joy and happiness!
It is largely a fantasy but it’s not outside the realm of plausibility.
As most everyone have seen at this point — All of the worthless, moronic NYT opinion finks have CAUTIONED and WARNED against IMPEACHMENT!
Kim Cattrall should play Nancy Pelosi.
Props to the artist, they really make you feel it and want it!
I do believe that Kamala Harris has called for a formal inquiry/impeachment review of Bart O’ Kavanaugh.
The very best of luck to you Anna. May your path be dry and your foes thirsty.
The empire is crumbliing and the theives want to get as much of their money out as they can. You people read this shit in Game of Thrones and then when it’s shown to you vote for the thieves! Goddamn buggery on Jesus Christs’ front doorstep.
The birds descend upon him and then it’s just an empty suit!!
Now everybody hit up @MaxKennerly he’s the one of the old fogies mistake for Ted Kennedy or something.