Judge Hershey

There’s somebody I only know through twitter and her and her husband’s quest to find a new kitty just came to fruition after the loss of their last kitty.

Look at that report about three billion fewer birds in North America alone!

It’s this sort of thing that helps put an end ot my mother inquiring as to when I’ll get married and have a kid or something. Having children is not a solution!

As it’s twenty afeter seven in the morning and I am drinking as we speak I am undecided on whether eating something like that would counteract the non-problem of drunk versus just puking it all up an hour later. Decisions.

There was a recent sale on the Dark Souls series and I picked up DS2.

There was some article about the preparedness of the U.S. and other supposed advanced countries that could detect/disarm/deter these types of cheap drone attacks.

He didn’t mean the cereal?

Now playing

They all think they’re some fragment of God or something.

I have a sudden craving for John Olerud.

Houthis didn’t have drones that they’ve had for years.

Andrew Yang is a moldy bag of piss and one of you swine are going to down the contents.

Thai food and we’re both trying to restrain ourselves from diving in.

I can remember way back (like ten years ago) when they were drier. The last time I tried one it was overflowing with beans which was kinda gross.

I want to know what the hell happened to Krystal Ball. She sold her soul right down the crapper for thirty pieces of silver.

“Hi, I’m Gary Gygax and I am <rolls d20> Happy to see you!”

What year was it when it was hosted by The Maxx?

Look, just bring back Beavis and Butthead and we’ll call it a draw.

Thankfully I have only borne witness to such a heinous event!

*** Ohh, you meant fiber ***

I got two lightsabers, one for each of ya!