Judge Hershey

“Breeding is no substitute for losing your car keys as the answer to cancer.”

Isn’t it glorious?

Mom Jeans are best. reading about them is (informative) foreplay.

I had to manage two other people, at the same time, both saying something close to “are you fucking kidding me?!”

It might not have been an unhinged, rampaging horseshit... just a thought.

Pray for the meteor.

On top of all of this drama, you have the same two women singing on the Arts channel. It’s like, come on, you have twenty-four hours. We don’t need you six times in three days if they’re going fifty miles an hour towards Geor-fuck Georgia.

My Mother, the saint, was like wtf? Are you serious? she doesn’t even keep up and it’s like “killing Varys is probably a bad idea.” oh spoilers.

This episode was so bad I am logging off as we speak (right now) to go back and watch Chernobyl again.

Arya looks up towards the ashen sky, her eye spots something on the horizon. It appears as some kind of blackened wedge.

The only hope for Biden is that the torpedo that’s going to sink him will just lose the warhead after it impacts the conning tower.

um er uh, watching Biden do that “Lady” when he’s dismissing Elizabeth Warren...yeah. I like Uncle Joe and Joe Biden but he’s hopeless.

Warframe. <--

You jest but you’re on a gummyment list. wait, so am I! omg what do we do?! somebody get a mail van and confuse the cops!

What was that bit about the sword that needed to plunged into its lovers heart to be forged anew?

Thank you for your write-up! It might not mean much to you in the moment but --

Everybody died!!1

My dad, 72, was like “why am I watching zombies *beat* of they’re all dead.” He signed up (against my advice) to watch the last three episodes. His joke to me is that I had better watch S2 of um, er, uh Westworld!

Sam’s brother and dad were obstinate fools that forced her hand.

best part is that Pelosi could just chuck her heels aside and outrun the bear.