Judge Hershey

He’s cheating on her. They both know it.

Perfect time to get into coke. Hey, what else you guna do?

It would take too large a caliber and too much trouble to move the elephatine beasts out of the way.

And Now you’re big and relish just torturing your younger cousins..

That’s the big problem is that you get all giddy and giggly and then somebody comes in and asks “where’s your brother? last I saw he was going through the cement mixer.”

If there aren’t two out-of-fuel or any other scams.

My ~72 yr old father had shoulder surgery and thenhe went to “slave to the needle” and got a badass tattoo and did not tell me or mom until summer.

Oh and that whole “Russian Nuclear Torpedo” bullshit was just that.

The real fun part is that it would take laughable amount of effort to find out who you are or who I am or who anybody is.

Ariana Grande is a goddess and who gives a shit what inks she did to her tiny hand! I want her to just keep singing for people that can’t sing for themselves./

Yes Children. You have placed your faith in the people that watch the people murder minorities. That’s probably not ideal but hey, we’ll just ignore your cries for equality because I have a quote of non-whites to shoot.

There is nothing I can say without sounding like an idiot aside from it sounds good!

So we know it’s bullshit. It’s that she play to an audience is quite literally that goddamn stupid.

Yes, the people prefer eating cake and by-gum cake it will be!

Russia is saying “We have weapons (that we lied about) that can threaten anybody in the middle of nowhere.”

None of this is important. Seriously, it’s not a joke there are so many redundancies at this level...

I admire you candor!

Dem blackface resign begone

who cares about the details? He should resign effective immediately.