You kinda lost me there, but I'll answer the question I think you were asking:
You kinda lost me there, but I'll answer the question I think you were asking:
Done! Dutch- Jenn, Joe, Mike, Sierra
It does indeed. Monsieur T- Jenn, Kelly, Max, Tyler
Unfortunately, SG Standard already has that group. Updated list of groups (sorted alphabetically to help you determine combos) is here: https://purplerockpodcast.w…
random_fan- Hali, Jenn, Shirin, Will
DrVanNostrand- Joe, Kelly, Shirin, Will
chicago95- Jenn, Joe, Lindsey, Max
Yep, that worked! VeronicaMarsIsBrightTonight- Jenn, Mike, Shirin, Tyler
Unfortunately, both of those combos are taken. Take another shot.
Not appearing much in the first episode isn't always a sign that a person isn't lasting long. In fact, appearing a lot early on can be a sign that they aren't long for the game and the producers are trying to get their narrative arc out of the way early.
Please don't compare Shirin to J'Tia. You're giving me bandwagon-driver PTSD.
Unfortunately, that combo is taken by philite. Try again. And you can see a list of already-taken combos at purplerockpodcast.wordpress… under the Fantasy Survivor tab.
Unfortunately, that combo is taken by indescribable hat. Give it another shot; you have until Tuesday to pick a team that works. Updated lists of which teams have been selected are at purplerockpodcast.wordpress… under Survivor fantasy league.
Done. Floworefs- Joe, Max, Sierra, Tyler
Well we've already got 85+ in the league, so 78th this season would at least be more impressive than 78th last season!
Ha! My mistake. These things happen when you copy/paste. Yes, it's you. And the next time the page updates it will say fnarf instead.
Success! lira2012- Dan, Joe, Max, Tyler
Other Scott- Jenn, Joe, Rodney, Shirin
Already taken by Chawkinse. Try again!
2008 financial crisis-level diminishing returns.