
[h]e helped bring that online movement into the physical world on August 11th and 12th when he attended the infamous Charlottesville tiki torchlight rally ...

Beat it, Nazi troll.

“Gionet, like so many members of the so-called alt-right, doesn’t like being called a white supremacist or a neo-Nazi.”

Here’s a radical thought (from a socialist snowflake, and a foreigner, so probably without merit, but still):
If you don’t like being called a white supremacist or a neo-Nazi, perhaps you should stop

Nothing fantastic about the portrait view. Love the flight of the valkyries.


I don’t see any white nationalists sucker punching people

Others have raised the possibility that Gionet could sue for being called a white supremacist.

He’s not planning to really sue. He get’s his followers worked up over bull shit “fake news”, disavows his first post of the actual picture, and when he doesn’t sue blames it on the deep state not allowing him to bring charges.

It’s unclear why Gionet would continue to claim that AJ Plus photoshopped that image of him when he did it himself. But it seems unlikely that he would’ve been so emboldened without Donald Trump in the White House.

I’m pretty sure I can still hear all the clumsily inserted 80's references just fine with my tv settings the way they are

I don’t think any actual fans of Doctor Who actually hate this. If anything, they’ve been anticipating it since it was revealed that strange things happen when a Time Lord passes their 12th regeneration. I’d bet good money that 99% of the people against this don’t even watch the show or are just trolling to get a

What is ‘female life force’? I don’t know if they should have said that.

I find it hard to believe the people whining about a female Dr. Who are actually fans or even viewers of the show. The stories would are far too secular and humanistic for misogynist clowns. I’m sure there are examples on the far end of the bell curve, but I bet the vast majority are outsiders. Somehow every clown

I haven’t really seen a lot of people complaining about the Doctor being female. I’ve mostly just seen people saying “Boy, there are going to be a lot of people complaining about this!” or issuing preemptive diatribes against people who might have a problem with the Doctor being female.

Honestly I’ve seen more people falling over each other trying to find negative responses than actual negative responses.

A good well thought out response .

Not to mention Captian Kathryn Janeway

Addition is a big problem in this country.


Why don’t we just feed cancer patients into the grinder? Make homeless people generate electricity on treadmills? Insist women wear their bust size on some sort of tag to ease ogling?