
How is Gram Norton under £1,000,000?

Now that the Yankees have two guys named Frazier, the lesser one should have to change their last name to Niles.

Seems like he’s just setting himself up for a run at the presidency.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

I think we’re really reading too much into this. She’s wearing a white dress. She just didn’t want to get Cheetos dust on her hands.

She’s just signalling for a fastball.

........I just think it’s funny how these people can’t stop talking about Obama every chance they get

To admit to voting for Trump was a mistake takes a level of self awareness that Trump supporters do not possess. They have bought into the Amway. The time share in Boca. The pyramid scheme. They have paid for the extended warranty on their leased Toyota Avalon. They are the temporarily inconvenienced future

He’s heading to Trump Tower over the weekend to discuss the Securities and Exchange Commission chairmanship.

Dylan Roof was homeless and declared mentally incompetent? Missed that memo.

The fact that he was insane and homeless doesn’t get enough play.

Just to clarify, the ACA/Obamacare was the Republican healthcare plan. It was designed by the Heritage Foundation.

Agreed. Keep Alex Rodriguez though. It pains me, but he’s actually a pretty good if not slightly great analyst.

God, you are such a pussy. Ive lived here for five decades and I never pissed my pants once over immigrants, legal or not. Your ilk does it daily.

No, fuck all that. An Indian immigrant was MURDERED in Kansas just a few days ago by a white supremacist who was motivated by the type of anti-immigrant sentiment that Donald Trump has promoted and mainstreamed further than any other politician in recent memory. And what does he do? Basically completely dismisses the

Can an entire presidency consist of nothing but that? I have a feeling we’re going to find out either way!

freedom of speech sometimes comes with consequences, my good bitch.

Soon we’ll all need Coyotes to lead us into Canada.

“and he’s only a sophomore so I don’t care”

Everybody hates Long Island because Long Island is a detestable place.