
How’d you get his zipcode?

Ugh, he was talking about his childrens’ help on the campaign. And Tiffany helped out less because she was in school. Trump is the devil but we don’t need to pile on.

Hamilton, on a scale of 1-10, how pissed are you that it’s not Bernie up there.

Yup, I work on Wall Street and huge deal volume trying to close prior to the Election. September/October were crazy bullish. Would for sure crash hard if the Donald is elected. My favored candidate, Bernie Sanders would’ve probably also caused a crash (but in the long term, would’ve provided for a more prosperous

Though the District did retroactively give the Ownership group some tax breaks because, unlike so many other team owners, they really did put up their own money and the <strike>MCI</strike> Verizon Center really was a stadium that acted as an anchor for genuine Urban Renewal (like, it really did develop really nicely

When asked for a response, an inconsolable Luis Enrique could only reply, “Chino XL, fuck you too!”

An Entrepreneur?

a Freddie sighting!

And I’m just as responsible for “Colin’s right to kneel” as that guy.

I know Hillary sucks. But we know how Hillary will suck and we can organize around it. The manner in which Trump sucks is just . . . don’t even want to fathom. Like, he’ll just hand over the deep state to the Republican apparatus that are literally fucking crazy. We’re talking Joe Arpaio crazy. So yah. It’s a

Because the military hasn’t fought to “protect our freedom” since WWII. The rest of the time they’re underpaid mercenaries advancing corporate financial interests where the rest of us are asked to kiss their ass to make up for the fact that they can die while in service on behalf of big corporations that profit of

But hey, I fought for his right to not attend.

Yes, she’s won the endorsements of many “right leaning” newspapers.

I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you.

Jesus Christ. I don’t think they’re equal so please stop. Trump is worse. I’m voting Hillary. Hillary is still bad. Fin.

The Detroit News is one example.

I’m almost insulted you’d suggest that I’d “trust” anything Trump has to say. And dude! I was, “woke” as they say, during the 90s. I remember this shit. Superpredators was a term that originated with the Right Wing as Fuck the Weekly Standard

I don’t understand why you want to flame self-described reluctant Hillary voters? She has our vote. Annoy someone else. Have you even tried to wonder why 3rd party voting seems to be so high this election? Why some newspapers are endorsing the joke Gary Johnson over her?