
I am really sorry for your loss and ongoing pain. I feel you. I have a family member that was raped and murdered. The killer was never arrested and there’s still a lot of speculation and gossip as to who really did it. It happened in 1987, and every 8-10 years, the case gets reopened by some rookie detective. I always

Clearly, they knew something about Muslims because they seem to have targeted this group based on Ramadan. I suppose it’s possible they were just looking for anyone at 3:30 am outside on Mosque during Ramadan, but that seems somewhat unlikely.

Sure, but why not say, “We don’t know yet, we’re looking into it.” What they said sounds like a dismissal and that matters.

I don’t understand Fairfax police. “Although two men were purportedly involved in the attack, police say they are not seeking a second suspect.”

That’s where it came from, but it’s evolved into something more sinister. Destroy the established public schools in disproportionately black and disproportionately poor neighborhoods, but the white suburbs will keep their public schools, please and thank you.

My daughter said the movie was horrible. She said that she had to force herself not to walk out. Worse than a bad Lifetime movie and she couldn’t wait until they got to Las Vegas so he could die and she could go home.

WHO THE HELL STARRED THAT FUCKER?? I’m sorry you had to deal with that.

It’s not that way everywhere. In other states, a judge sends someone to jail for six months for not paying child support, and they still owe the whole amount when they get out. Child support is an obligation, not one of several available options.

Merry Sabbath to you as well, ardent Christian!

Shoulda paid ya child support, ha?

Damn I came here to make that Slow Motion joke lol

See! Your skills are needed!

Effect is usually a noun, meaning the result of something. Por ejemplo, “the effects of the medication were intense.” Affect is usually used in verb form, “the medication affected my sleep.” So in this situation Devos can affect trans kids, kids of color, etc., and the effects of her time in the administration will be

I think the headline is misleading. She definitely cares about discrimination. Judging by her actions, discrimination appears to be one of her favorite things.

A greedy monster. Trump and his cabinet are in Washington to become  more wealthy and do the bidding/repay the corporations that schemed to put them there.

If you have created an account just for the purposes of spreading hate (and lots of insecurity) online in anonymity, you’re just a punk bitch. Go away. I’m sorry life is scary and you hate yourself, but that isn’t our fault. Something out there has to be more fulfilling than spewing ignorance from the greys.

This is going to disproportionately affect LGBTQ kids as well—particularly trans kids. Fucking bullshit. As a teacher, I’m so pissed. I don’t know how I will make it through this administration. I might have to retire early.

She is a monster.

Angela, I am surprised you spent your Father’s Day answering that jack arse!!! @ Squeemyremmy...So you would mind if we sent you black roses huh? It’s not really a crime, right?

Seeing how the charter school movement spring from whites wanting to continue segregation, how could anone be surprised?