It's weird how foreign dubs of these clips are allowed on YouTube, but unofficially uploaded ones in English are a big no-no.
It's weird how foreign dubs of these clips are allowed on YouTube, but unofficially uploaded ones in English are a big no-no.
"And then, our kids. They'll be horrible freaks with pink skin, no overbite, and five fingers on each hand!"
Also, hitting Y is an alternative to stretching your right thumb or disturbing your left to hit SELECT. It resets Demolition Crew for some reason.
I think these are Virtual Console titles and not 3D Classic Remakes.
I liked Super Crate Box. It's frustratingly fun. The question remains, though, whether we have to pay for something we can get for free that's more responsive with the use of a keyboard on a computer.
They appear (looking at the base and stand) to be figmas. Unless these are of the more special variety, they generally cost about $30-50 American. (my guess)
METROID figmas! YES. Oh. They're separate figures. Can I get both?
Okay. It does look better in video and at 720p. The big-knobbed doors and pink elevator shafts look a bit unrealistic and the corridor's look a bit dark. Still hasn't beaten what Elevator Action Old And New looked like on the GBA. I'll put it on my maybe list.
"Oh... If you wanna to be possessive, it's just I-T-S, but If it's supposed to be a contraction, then it's I-T-apostrophe-S. Scalawag."
I get what you mean, but how do you determine the IP address to block?
To me, and this is a personal thought, Nintendo porting their games to iOS would be like Apple allowing the use of their OS and software on non-Mac computers. It is unlikely to happen, and can only be done through circumvention, which, in this case, is already happening anyway (hackintosh, jailbreaking).
Oh, I thought I saw three helmets.
Couldn't you just empty out (or use) a lip gloss tube and stuff it with the lovely salted meat?
Naw. It's not for me. I preferred "Outside Aperture". The effects and Portal Gun looked better there. (Plus it had cake.)
wow. that was good. This OK Go one is also cool, but Weezer's was indeed better. Thanks for pointing it out.
Okay kids! Let's play "Find the Shiny"!
What you said. I've been using this method and laughing at the tangled mess and cord management "bones" of other's for years now.
Does it come with DJ chatter? Heehee.
OH SPLENDID. It's finally for Mac. I could use one. (happy fingers)
I'd rather him sing all the words in the dictionary.