That's actually hilarious.
Hells YES! Steel Samurai! We have a winner!
I don't really give much about graphics comparisons. My choices is to either get a game for a PS3 I have, or buy an Xbox 360, bring it home, unpack it, plug it in, and run my 3-disc game. It's not choice, it's practicality.
Oh, good. I read this on Twitter. At least it's a Japanese director.
Mmm... the third one looks like Loackers'. I could go for some of those right now.
I played Mafia II before L.A. Noire. I couldn't help but to make comparisons between the two. But both of them have their own merits and they are their own game. I can't grab a bite or flick the lightswitch on and off in L.A. Noire, which proved fascinating in Mafia II. I don't see the problem with driving from…
If only the shoes can detect jumps and make jumpy sounds from Mario Bros. Oh well.
There's a local arm of Tecmo Koei here?!
I just clicked on this Haruhi-related article because I couldn't help myself.
Okay, so it's kinda like Midtown Madness. I'm okay with that. I'm playing a cop after all. If I want to smush civilians, I'll run GTAIV. If I want to smush civilians in a 1940s-style setting, I'll run Mafia II.
"She's Chinese, she obviously doesn't look like us." Now I'm Chinese and I'm offended.
I like the fact that they conveniently cut GLaDOS's part off before AND after GLaDOS even says that line.
It's not that bad, but it did give me the shivers. I prefer these guys. Sure, it's not a cappella, but the lead has a pot on his head.
It was good, until the face at the end. It's like those disturbing real-life Mario pictures by that guy.
Someone get MythBusters on the case.
Move your old backup away from ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup (or Windows equivalent) and perform a fresh backup on iTunes from time to time. This ensures after months of syncing over and over again that your backup doesn't screw you over should you need to restore. Bad backups will mess up your app…
It's in other colours too, none of which makes sense.
I've been thinking of things to do if I had a Portal gun, but robbing a bank with one means you actually need to shoot a visibly-noticible orange/blue circle into an open safe (a la Jumper's "I have to use the bank's restroom" scene). Plus you would have to bring a "gun" into a bank. Security won't be too pleased with…
I'm assuming this is the mall as depicted in the original 1978 classic (I haven't seen it. Gasp), and not the 2004 remake?