
Ouch. Somebody's gonna get a hurt real bad.

Well, that's one way to save money on gas.

@Crisss1205: It did clog the list you get when you hold down back for a quick history list on my Safari 5, though.

"You mean you have to use your hands? That's like a baby's toy!"

The Demo Knight doesn't have that ring to it, but this has been a lot of awesome. Love the lip-sync.

Ouch. Now that's a broken hinge. And here I am whining about my little crack on my DS Lite.

Didn't this happen on an episode of "Come Fly With Me"?

I'd like ketchup with tartare sauce.

What is "Objection".

If you go too far and eat the USB drive, the music will be delivered in the toilet.

I thought kidneys.

I need more Wesker. Why can't they just port Resident Evil 5 (the game) to the movie?

So if you look like that, chances are, someone else will take the rap for you if you commit a crime.

@Vidvandre: Thanks for the heads-up. Although I'm fighting between staying up for this, staying up for Apple or heading to sleep on a comfy-comfy bed... Damned time zones.

@Jackgoff: Don't scratch. Never scratch.

Oh, I think I saw that video during that Nintendo World Livestream. Still cool.

Just no internet? No other bad points? Woohoo! It's not like I haven't been sold on the 3DS already, but yeah, I so want it now!

Wasn't Jony Ive knighted?

I know I've seen a similar article somewhere before...

"25 years old? You're not 25 years old. This ID's completely fake."