Boo... I got 5GB. Still, life is good.
Boo... I got 5GB. Still, life is good.
Aww right! Now we can play Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Strip Chess!
So... it's good for watching naughty things on the office computer!
It has that attachment attachment on it. Not as sleek as the attachment attachment from Twelve South.
Brilliant. If only I had the wireless keyboard, because it doesn't have a numpad I need.
So Nintendo swapped ketchup with onions.
Today, it's a Jeopardy answer-questioning computer. Tomorrow, it goes back in time and kills Alex Trebek.
Aww. No GBA cartridge slot. The dream is over.
@tonym94: I suppose that's why they have the ventilation holes now. Now my cartridge can finally breathe!
going to brings up the old layout, as will prefixing "ca." to a gawker blog url.
Damn. This is a waste of my time. I got *five* kids to feed!
Nah. I'll try for a copy of the PS3 version for a free Steam copy. Besides, half of the world already has Portal, right?
It is. Left 4 Dead 2. Dead Carnival Finale, although not as spectacular as you'd think.
The Sonic Riders one makes me sad. Oh, look. Angry Birds!
Dang, Hasbro. You just sunk ma jengajam.
Looks like someone defeated Matthew Patel again. (And he broke hotel property!)
"Who are you? Ooh, what are those? What is THAT!?"
I said L, M, S, M, Turn, S, S. Not L, M, S, M, Turn, S, M! Oh, shudder!
Konami has a bunch of price drops too, though not worldwide.
Won't it make more sense to hold the mic and block out all sound for say, 3 seconds, and it snaps the picture? Maybe the iPhone's mic isn't very sensitive, but that's how I feel this should work. At least you won't tap-bonk the iPhone. A gentle press to cover the mic.