

i know, i know.

I liked Patrick Dempsey better. He was a perfectly nice guy and she dumped him!

I find it interesting that with all these girls putting together these The South 2015, brands or whatever, they’re always cutting out black people. As if black people don’t live in the south/ haven’t contributed greatly to southern culture in its current landscape. #sippintea

this is fair but also josh lucas was beyond really hot in that movie

“One Direction is basically our generation’s Jonas Brothers.”

Nothing says "hands-on mom" like 24-hour a day nanny coverage.

it sure is a weird euphemism for vagina

“Your Horny Aunt Will Love the New Magic Mike XXL Trailer”

This made me cry. Say what you want about Sheryl Sandberg, she’s a good writer.

I think the “fun to ride” might be giving him too much credit. He strikes me as someone that would expect you to just be happy to bang him and doesn’t feel like he really has to work at it.

Of course I would. Isn’t he rumored to have a big one?

The actual story, which is really delightful all around, for those who care:

Both parties reported that it was a very much consensual, inconsequential gesture of support, and the third party (god are we really so antiquated to assume that a woman would be jealous over a peck of support?) agreed. Kissing a stranger without consent-yes that is crappy. It is also, by all reports, not remotely

By all reports, the marathoner ran up, asked for, and first got verbal consent from a willing kissee and they did several do-overs to get a good pic for posterity. I’m inclined to believe all 3 parties involved when they say it was no big deal, because for reals, it sounds like no big deal.


Was it this guy?: