
So this is a moment where young ladies still in school are learning that white people really shouldn’t ever use the word, even when they’re singing along to a pop song and not attempting to denigrate anyone. Is that not the quintessence of a teachable moment? This is clearly not coming from a place of hate or anger,

Because it’s not a big deal. It’s a song. Really dumb for them to post but this does not make them racist. Keep reaching though.

So wait, you say people can’t sing along to a song because it contains a word they can’t say because they are a different color? That’s not racist? Sounds like banning a word for everyone is the solution.

no there is no goddamn middle ground to be had. i personally do self-censor that word at karaoke and stuff but this is on a team bus with friends. they can sing whatever the hell lyrics they are comfortable singing

Hot take (but also serious): Her response is more racist than the actual video.

Jesus christ, you’re really going for it with this post. This is incredible. You make it sound in the headline like they’re just chanting it for no reason, because you know “singing along to a song” makes it sound much less bad. Then, when we’re primed to feel bad, you post the sad, desperate text messages of some

Calling this “chanting” is pretty despicable, guys. You’re purposely trying to make this more than it is. The girls are really dumb here but they’re just singing a popular song.

This doesn’t make them bigots.

What a well thought through opinion.

Have you figured out a solution or are you the type that bitches about things they don’t like but offers no alternative?

They were singing lyrics to a song. Nobody chanted “Nigger”.

This isn’t really hating on black people at all. It’s a group of girls having fun singing along to a popular song.

Ignore him just one of the delusional fanboys that always show up on tech blogs and post. They come in many flavors, Apple, Android and PC. They come swooping in to defend their choice like its their girlfriend/lover and ridicule anything else that is not their preferred corporate overlord.

This is the kind of pathetic horseshit one spews when they have to justify spending a kings ransom on their computing devices. Of course you think your shit is great. You spent a fortune on it. If you admitted anything less than it being a miracle device you’d have to admit that you’re a moron for spending so much on

I totally gave you a bad image of my desk. I actually purposely went dual-screen on my MBP so you could see your Giz comment.

Are you my IT Guy? You sound like my IT Guy. How many acronyms are in your email signature?   

It sounds alright... If you’re tone deaf.

Just because I’m talking about a black man makes it racist? Being an asshole isn’t exclusive to skin color in my experience, but you know what, if you want to hate me for an imagined insult go ahead.

Full disclosure: I sit on an HoA board and judging by some of the comments Im also a fascist. Probably a racist too since Im also a white guy. Now that Ive said Im a man I might as well add misogynist. I promise to get some therapy right away...

Personally, I don’t see why it’s anybody else’s business if I have a shed in my back yard or not. It’s my fucking house, I should be able to do with it as I please (withing the confines of the law). I’m of the attitude of if you want to start telling me what I can and can’t do with my house you can start paying my