
And, at least in the case of this particular Fireball accident, disassembly and transport are what allowed for water to seep in to cause corrosion. The ride had been repeatedly inspected (focusing on welds and likely failure points), and IIRC, KMG (manufacturer) even reinforced certain parts of the structure with

This is so pure.

While awesome, this story would have been better if Millwall was his name.


I trust the process, but fucking hell.

Who is Kevin Hart?

No worries. James Shields should be back soon.

Slaves & Bulldozers w/ a bit of In My Time of Dying were not uncommon encores for Soundgarden, at least recently. Probably not much to it.

Fucking psyched about picking up a Hawk alarm clock, hiding it in unconventional places nowhere near my quarters, and setting it to go off at absurd hours. 

Pepperoncini is my go-to chip.

Taking a picture of yourself works IMO.

Jesus Christ.

Koala Yummies, too.

Closers need to hold this belief near and dear to their hearts as well.