
Ah, makes sense. Enemy gets it, enemy can potentially engineer a chemical weapon that would not trigger it. Merely knowing that it works isn’t the same as having a sample to experiment on.

Whoa. I had completely forgotten about this, but I also went to a regional hardware store (Ernst?) as a child that handed out popcorn, and it made me always want to go there.

My local Lowe’s actually has a Kettle Corn vendor in its exit breezeway, but...it’s not the same.

Awww, that’s cute. You made an account just to say this. I’m sure your services are in intense demand.

So...you seemingly wrote this article to lampoon the Marketwatch article, and then...repeat its central argument? Why?

Real wages have been flat since 1979. The real answer to this is: “Make more money and have fewer greedy shitheels representing you.”


Loud-ass fart machines need to get the hell off the road.

Yes, yes, they’re very pretty and iconic and every single pedestrian or house they pass is wishing a fiery crash upon them because they are freaking deafening. It’s the 21st century, and casually damaging the hearing of everyone you deign to drive past

This seems like an antidote to Lifehacker.

Screwing up is such a precious narrative gift to a character though. As you say, it was key to Stark’s evolution. I’m excited that it’ll be a gift to Poe Dameron as well, assuming Abrams doesn’t just ignore the literally hundreds of Resistance fighters who died as a result of his actions.

Love the Constitution.
Ex post facto punishments = bad.
Ex post facto benefits = A-OK!

Another instance of this: The IRS started recognizing state-level same-sex marriages in 2013 (when DOMA was first struck down, two years prior to the Obergefell ruling). As such, couples legally married in their states could refile

This was literally the first dish I had in Japan while my wife and I were jetlagged and half-asleep. It was like 7PM local time. I had a beer with it. It was delightful.


It seems worth mentioning that he left his previous wife of 18 years while she was undergoing cancer treatment.

k I’ll do it to me too

I mean, I can show you that.

Right? Like, I’m impressed when a stage magician performs some feat of memory trickery for me, but the stakes are pretty low if they f that up. Someone doesn’t write my order down and it arrives slathered in sour cream (the omission or addition of an included sauce is about the only change I usually make to a dish),

See, the second thing I agree with, but the first thing makes you seem a bit of an ass.

Well, there’s a typo there, but I think what he meant was to carry the copy AND the passport with you, and show both documents, but only hand over the copy if physically handing anything over is needed. Are you suggesting that even this could get you in trouble?

If I were going to do this, I’d probably add the phrase

Red = Jared’s arm. He’s lying down and holding the kid up. You can see the twist in his forearm.
Blue = Ivanka’s hand.
Yellow = I’m guessing a finger, from one or the other. Probably Ivanka.

Yep. The existence of this feature would only bother me if it bogged down the app, and that doesn’t really seem plausible, since the ability to play a trailer is essentially baked into the ability to play a full-length episode or movie. I just want to be able to turn it off.

They can enable whatever annoying features they want.

Just give me the option to switch em the fuck off.

People forget, “Automatically play the next episode” was the default (and unchangeable) setting for like a solid year before they gave us the option to disable it.