
You don't need to be rated to be nominated for an Oscar. You need to be rated to play in the largest theater chains (i.e. AMC, Carmike…..all the non-art theater chains) and most won't show NC-17. Why they still hold that standard in an era when your average Game of Thrones episode (or basically any cable TV show) is

I can think of a couple erections in R movies, but they tend to be high brow arty type stuff from the 90s. Honestly, though, people love to bitch about the MPAA, but they really don't have the power they used to. There are so many avenues for showing films beyond theaters now days.

The documentary never really looks deeply into the victim's boyfriend, though, probably because the filmmakers didn't have access to evidence. Most of this stuff is completely new information that wasn't in the doc at all.

I'm gay and this show couldn't write a realistic queer character to save its life.

Yeah, that's what makes me not care. Especially since the show really wasn't good, so all of that money was just a complete waste. It was like a bad Spanish soap opera that was inexplicably filmed all over the world for very little reason (no reason why they couldn't have consolidated the Sense8s in one or 2

I don't know, I thought it was GLBT. Did it change? I'm gay myself, but I haven't had to write "LGBT/GLBT" terribly often since college, so I guess I can't recall off hand which was more common at the time. Honestly, typically I'm too terrified to speak about gay issues lest I say something wrong and get my head bit

Watch season 1. The last 3 episodes of season 1 are unlike anything ever on TV. Really great.

The real failure is on the shoulders of the Wachowskis. All of their stuff is interesting, even when it fails, so I was hoping that long form TV would be a good medium for them in that it might mask their flaws somewhat. It was a really well directed TV series, so they are great directors, they just need to quit

Nah, this show was just insanely expensive, not highly rated (either critically or in terms of viewers), and, honestly, not very good. If anything, Netflix did the GLBT cause a favor by giving it a season 2 in the first place, despite season 1 being not well received.

Yeah, I won't watch stuff that ends with a cliffhanger.

Seasons 1 and 2 were good, but quality dropped steeply after.

I liked her Monroe. It wasn't a very accurate impression, but I don't think an accurate impression would have worked. Instead, she got some of the the exaggerated mannerisms down, but added a sort of sinister, inhuman, twist and made it into her own thing.

I gave up on this show a long time ago once I realized they were just repeating the same stuff over and over. It wouldn't be so bad if the show was funnier, but for a comedy it's incredibly plot focused. Just once I'd like to see an episode where the characters just kind of hang out and do something that's not start

GLBT representation doesn't bother me so much in movies just because right now the movie industry is having a hard time representing anyone other than superheros. Studios release blockbuster franchises and then a handful of "tasteful" awards fare in the fall, so the selection is anemic. I love movies, but I rarely

Kickstarter has become more a marketing campaign than an actual funding source. There was a huge bubble a few years ago where tons of stuff got funded. But that's kind of burst, so now it's mostly just another way for big name people who don't need the money to market upcoming projects. They start a kickstarter and

I thought the Stanhope/Rogan era only lasted a season? Not enough to call it an era. But, yeah, the Kimmel/Carola version was always tongue-in-cheek. It was from the era of comedy when ironic racism and ironic misogyny were really big (see, for example, Sarah Silverman's entire act from the mid 2000s). That type

Yeah, I don't doubt Carolla's political beliefs, but he's also found a niche. This is as much serving his fanbase as it is any sort of political statement.

I don't think it's such a stretch that the show's universe wouldn't have racism (or at least no apparent racism on the surface). The show provides enough justification for why Gilead might see racism as going against its best interests. If childbirth is really that rare, it makes more sense that they would disregard

Sounds awful, actually. Although, I'd totally be excited about a movie where a schlubby middle aged guy gets his heart broken by a schlubby middle aged woman. It's startling how rare that happens in movies. It's always older guy dating hot younger chick he'd never have a chance with in real life.

I'd go if Waxahatchee was going to be there.