It is. I really loathed Skyrim (Bethesda is great at designing maps, terrible at narrative, combat, characters and basically everything you'd want to make you hang out there). Enderal is great, though. Reminds me more of Gothic than Elder Scrolls.
It is. I really loathed Skyrim (Bethesda is great at designing maps, terrible at narrative, combat, characters and basically everything you'd want to make you hang out there). Enderal is great, though. Reminds me more of Gothic than Elder Scrolls.
The fun of Dark Souls is figuring out what you are doing wrong when you hit a brick wall. I remember I was on NG++ in Dark Souls, trying to beat Ornstein and Smough and just couldn't do it. So I started trying out different weapon and armor builds, until I finally put that acrobat ring to use. I went in nearly…
I've played video games for 25 years now. I've played everything. "Dark Souls" is probably in my top 10 games ever. So, yeah, Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 are no where near as good, but more Dark Souls is always welcome. Even lesser Dark Souls.
I exclusively game on PC, so my favorites of the year (judging by how much I played them) are actually old to console players, but were just released on PC: Dragon's Dogma and Salt & Sanctuary.
Yeah, it's an interesting topic as it's a piece of history I knew nothing about. But this is the sort of movie I'd only ever watch if I was at my parents' and we all had to agree on something to watch.
The trailer was just this scene over and over and over again:
He's the rare actor who could convincingly be cast as either handsome or ugly and pull both off. He has a weird face.
He was fine in both, it's the movies that suck.
It's very weird to watch him in season 1, before they'd developed his character into a charming goofball and he was just Ann's schlubby boyfriend. But most of season 1 of Parks and Rec is pretty different tonally from the rest of the show.
I think he's fine at directing actors. The performances in this were great (same with Monsters and Godzilla, where the actors did the best they could with very little). It's just all the actors had nothing to work with because their characterizations were so thin. The problem is writing, not directing.
Yeah. This movie sounds so awesome on paper. Like, if you were to describe me exactly what happened in a very broad "this, then this, then this" fashion I would had thought I'd love it. But the whole thing left me emotionally disengaged, mainly because we have little reason to care about anyone. And really know…
Yeah, it's a weird show in that it veers from brilliance to the most hackneyed shit often in the space of a single scene. The scene where the guy comes back to the bar after getting out of jail in the pilot is the best example. It was a pretty good pilot, but then it drops that scene and it's just so heavyhanded,…
Lady Dynamite would be my number 1. I take it you didn't watch it since you included basically everything that aired in 2016, save that.
I've always thought mainstream movies would become more and more prudish the longer that hardcore porn is freely available on the internet. I think the desire to see sex in movies is way lessened post-internet. The whole softcore subgenre of film that existed for decades largely to service late night cable has…
I like NPH, but why do celebrities even bother with trying to revive the variety show format? Variety shows are shit and they always fail. I don't think anyone has written the words "Variety show" without the words "ill fated" in front of them for at least 30 years now. Yet charming smart celebrities (NPH, Maya…
I've never understood why fast food places don't just introduce a veggie burger. Burger King is the only major chain that has one, but it tastes like shit and you always have to wait like 20 minutes for them to get one out of cryo if you order it.
The problem with Trump isn't Trump himself or anything he will do (although that will no doubt be awful), it's more the fact that his victory is evidence that the media is completely useless now in performing its function as a check on power. A combination of right wing media websites and social media have engendered…
I recommend it to everyone, but it's also such a difficult show to recommend: "Yeah, the first two episodes aren't great and then it's mostly kind of slow for the next 7, but holy shit the last 3 episodes are unlike anything I've seen on TV and so the entire season is totally worth watching just to get to them" is a…
Having humans is fine, it just had the wrong humans. The film should have focused on Brian Cranston and Juliette Binoche rather than the army dude (who was the most generic, boring, character ever). We only see cranston/Binoche for like 60 seconds, but in those 60 seconds they make us care more about their…
I mentioned this already up thread, but Jodorowsky has given different answers at different times. His "I raped her" account comes from his book, in which he's very much self-aggrandizing and trying to make it out to be some spiritual experience. In later interviews, though, he claims it was real sex, but…