“It’s not gonna work. We’re too intellectual, we’re too smart for that, you know?”
“It’s not gonna work. We’re too intellectual, we’re too smart for that, you know?”
Flood of “I was spanked and turned out fine” anecdotal posts by people who want to feel morally justified in hitting their own kids commencing in 3... 2... 1...
Anti Marxism-Leninism-Maoism?
Well I was going to make a joke about how I gave that because their screen door was so squeaky. But now I want to know how a pyramid scheme dildo party works. Is the goal to work your way down as the dong goes wide or is it some type of thing where you start, are given two butt plugs to stick into two friends who then…
I feel like that is a invitation for a visit from the police, if not getting sued by a particularly angered parent.
If you handed that to my kid, even with the instructions of who it is for, I would have to seriously considering calling the police, because holy hell that’s inappropriate.
Ugh, that is fucking insane.
It stands for “Multi-Level Marketing,” aka one of those schemes where you theoretically make money by selling goods but actually make money by getting other people to sell goods and give you their money (which they actually earn by getting other people to sell goods and hand over their money, etc... and it’s turtles…
Multi-Level Marketing... still frightening and gross.
I don’t even want to look up what MLM stands for
Gun girl is not hot. She’s like 9 hot on the gun scale to ammosexuals, but would be a 6 in a damn bar. This is similar to plant pretty if you’ve ever worked in a plant.
+100 Jim Croce reference!
A Jim Croce reference always gets a star.
Release the secret weapon...
Look, just because your dad made Halloween a nightmare for you growing up on Elm Street, that doesn’t mean you can’t move on and start enjoying the holiday again.
Holy fucking Christ. This is literally a person saying, “I don’t vote because it’s haaaard, and I don’t understand how the Post Office works! If someone would just do it fooooor me, then I’d vote!”
This shit is pathetic. I’m not that much older than the group that was interviewed (I’m nosing 37), and I don’t think I’ve …
“When I was at the post office to register, this poor girl, clearly also a college student like me, didn’t know what “postmarked” meant and had no idea how to send an important document by mail. Most people my age have zero need to go to the post office and may have never stepped into one before. Honestly, if someone…
I really hope someone from the Root utterly tears this article apart, because this is a great example of white privilege.