They actually had the gall to bring that up in the lawsuit...$250 million isn’t an arbitrary number, it’s how much Bezos paid to buy the Post.
They actually had the gall to bring that up in the lawsuit...$250 million isn’t an arbitrary number, it’s how much Bezos paid to buy the Post.
wHy ShOuLd aN eMpLoYeR pAy YoU tO NoT wOrK?!
She’s unemployed so now she won’t be able to afford that 55-gallon drum of eyeliner anymore! SAD!
He’s got his top men* working day and night on this assignment.
What a time to be alive.
Kavanaugh is prepared.
Spiritually we are commanded to be fruitful and multiply
They rationalize it that by killing an abortion doctor they’re “saving” all the “babies” the doctor would have otherwise aborted.
Chicago has wind chills of -60 degrees.
It doesn’t matter. The right wing is already running with “100,000 illegal voters in Texas” and the correction will never see the light of day.
Immigration is an emergency, and the only solution is a massive civil engineering project that will take years to complete!
cAn’T iMpEaCh a WaRtImE pReSiDeNt
“rugged individualism” and the “self-made man” mythology that permeates our culture. Add in a sprinkling of just world hypothesis and the Protestant work ethic - if you’re rich you’re good and if you’re poor you must just be lazy - and this is what you get.
Yes, the guy who’s the living embodiment of the seven deadly sins is surely God’s favorite boy.
I saw a meme saying that we did have a crisis, but it wasn’t at the border. Three white male mugshots. Three mass shootings - the one at the bank, this fucker, and another one who shot a bunch of people near Penn State. I’d only heard about the bank.
I still make that joke - except mine is a furniture store called The Ottoman Empire that doesn’t sell ottomans.
My reaction to those stories was “all these people suck”. Cat Person went viral, I read it, and I couldn’t figure out what everyone was seeing in it that I wasn’t.
Everyone thinks Eric’s the dumb one, but he might just be the smartest of the Ivana set!
Good stuff (copypaste from reddit):