
She stupid as hell. This dude going to come up off her and run off with her money. She could've kept Safari for this mess. Smfh. If they have kids he cant take the child to school, go to school functions. Wtf is wrong with this chick?

The possibilities of who could take the reins is endless, but Lindelof knows what he’d like to see: “Ryan Coogler’s Watchmen.”

I saw it yesterday and I’m not sure yet. It obviously “borrowed” a lot from earlier films but I thought Phoenix had an excellent performance. I know I wasn’t in a happy mood after watching it but I did feel something and it wasn’t boredom.

Dismiss your piss-baby troll.

Isn’t Hudson already doing an Aretha biopic?

There’s an inside joke in there i’m not getting in terms of Hollywood choosing Cynthia Erivo for the roles of legendary & heroic Black American characters, given her history of trivializing & mocking AA culture/mannerisms. But then Hollywood has never respected black history or the black experience. Quite insulting,

I was thinking that she gave the instruction so the jury could clearly see this was not a case of Castle defense since Guyer wasn’t in her castle and that any action Mr. Jean took were in defense of his castle. Glad the jury took it that way too.

I was thinking that she gave the instruction so the jury could clearly see this was not a case of Castle defense since Guyer wasn’t in her castle and that any action Mr. Jean took were in defense of his castle. Glad the jury took it that way too.

Absolutely happy that FOR ONCE a fucking cop is being held responsible for their actions.

Slightly disturbed that the only time I have seen this happen in recent memory and it’s a Woman.

Somehow I feel a huge number of outright civilian slayings by cops are perpetrated by male cops.. not seeing many male cops face

Also apparently the prosecution got Guyger to admit on the stand that she fully intended to kill him, and failed in her training to either wait and call for backup or start providing CPR as she was required to do.

Shocked too. I think this was a glitch which is why so many Black people are so surprised by this verdict. I hope the sentencing reflects this decision. 

I know what you mean, but after hearing the prosecution’s argument that the Castle Doctrine does not apply and spelled it out point by point, it was a slam dunk that no reasonable jury would even consider any part of the Castle Doctrine.

I tried not to be too apalled by Judge Kemp’s jury instructions, my thoughts were that the testimony of the medical examiner would have been strong enough that the SYG laws would not have applied (which they didn’t) not to mention it contradicts her recollection of the murder.

I like to think OG Law and Order spunoff from Jerry Orbachs Murder She Wrote cameo.

If they would just put the original on Netflix or something I’d watch more of it!

“(shrugs from Law and Order Law School)“

Yeah, I thought the judge was giving the jury too much credit (glad to be wrong), but was mostly including those instructions so that any conviction would stand up on appeal. The manslaughter option immediately made more sense because of previous cases where killers have walked because the jury didn’t think there was

Thank you for pointing that out. I was in a rage about it yesterday and today but you make a really good point.  Some judges, they are smart.

Yeah, now that she gave them the friendliest instruction she could on the Castle doctrine (basically same thing as stand your ground but extra oomph since it’s in your home), Guyger has one less ground for appealing this.  Still have to see how she gets sentenced, and in a tough on crime state it should be many

That Judge is no dummy. She knew if she didn’t give the jury instructions on SYG it would be used to either sue for mistrial or an appeal.  We will hear from Guyger again, I fear-but they won’t be able to use that awful law as a reason.