I guess they debute the game here becuase E3 is now much smaller. I miss the days of the hype machine in full effect before E3, but now the convention is pretty much dead.
HAHAH: that was a great video Adam. It really shows the hazards of the lesser known threat VBUI: Video Blogging Under the Influence!!
Whats with all these new cover art mess-ups like GTA4 (PS3 special Ed and Okami having the IGN watermark)?!?! are game companies getting too rushed or have mistakes like these always happened?
I actually thought that commercial was pretty funny. It did a good job of explaining the core gameplay moments and I think it was entertaining. It is done in the same vain as the GH tuitorials have always done. The game doesn't look near as fun as it's console counterpats, but it looks like a good alternative when…
I cant wait to "Whip It" and then I will proceed to "Whip it Good"
@KID-A26: I dont feel that NEversoft screwed up the Tony Hawk series, I truely feel that that series is a PERFECT example of how competition between gaming genres is a good thing. Tony Hawk hasn't had any competition since it's release other than the ESPN skateboard game on the PS2 and maybe Aggressive Inline) so…
@solar_tf: Thats a good point. THey might have a Drum Hero game that features songs geared towards heavy drum patterns. I for one would LOVE a game like that. It would be cool to have them include a band story mode where there are parts that just the drummer plays and than guitar, and than they all come together on…
It's absolutely rediculous how many people are hating on this game and all of it's new features already. With every new iteration of the series, I want to see new evolutions of the game or hardware that gives the game a new experience. Are people really saying that they would rather have GH just keep making the exact…
I can not wait for this game. I beleive that Essemble Studios along side with the Halo brand will bring alot of new gamers to the RTS scene. Starcraft 2 will slightly benefit from this game being released becuase it will get more attention to the genre.
I'm glad they are not showing his movies at more screens. I would hate to put unsuspecting movie-goers into that situation.
they need to make it up to their fans and make these intruments be fully compatable with ROck Band. There is no way I'm having 2 sets of full band equipment with these 2 games. as long as the drums and mics are compatible, I'm down with GH4. this game will make or break the series
I am excited about this next game. They always had better patterns than rock band, hopefully they can make better intruments too. Although I'm sure the DL release will be just as crappy as all the GH series
thats amazing. someone spent alot of time doing that, I hope they get fame out of it, or at least get laid
lets just hope they are some games ready on launch day
that is the coolest lamp ever!! I HATE THAT DAMN DOG!!!!! I hope to do something similar soon (but probley not as cool)