"The deceased's family has said they forgiven the President and isn't that reason enough to end any further investigations."
"The deceased's family has said they forgiven the President and isn't that reason enough to end any further investigations."
I'm worried the execs of the news networks wouldn't change the playbook much except maybe give the empty podium it's own half hour show.
We're in bad shape when the CEO of Time Warner considers Democrat leaders discussing campaign finance reform as more of a threat to the press than the incoming administration's openly hostile and dangerous treatment against reporters on the campaign trail.
He should be thanking Cross Check for not allowing those people to vote in the first place.
Chiklis should be in more high profile material, but it was a miracle he survived the disaster Wired which almost killed his career before it really started.
I would like pundits barred from appearing on cable news shows.
I agree. There obviously wasn't one factor that determined the outcome, but after the Comey letter dustup, maybe the Dems should have made better efforts to secure the so-called blue firewall.
Leaders in the Democratic party need to address the voter suppression efforts from the GOP and work on remedies now.
When Bob Woodward asked George W. Bush how he felt history will judge him for the Iraq War, Bush replied: "History, we don't know. We'll all be dead."
At one of his rallies during the campaign, he yelled: "I love the poorly educated!" and the crowd cheered him on.
Carter was a Technical Advisor on Air Force One. Surprisingly, it was based on a real life incident involving Carter rescuing AFO from a few bad hombres. For the sake of National Security, he was pressured not to reveal any details. Likely cost him the 2nd Term.
SNL gave an open racist demagogue huge publicity for ratings and they can't walk that back. It wasn't the deciding factor for Trump winning, but NBC (along with the rest of mainstream media and their billion dollars of Trump advertising) contributed to making the reprehensible seem acceptable enough to merit a…
I'm really not in the mood to laugh about Trump. I don't care if Alec Baldwin on SNL is a riot as Trump. In fact, I don't want to reward Lorne Michaels for having it both ways by giving Trump a platform and now pretending to really go after the guy now that he's elected. In his case, I feel it's more about ratings and…
Rove, like the incoming regime, was fortunate to have a corporate media that gave Bush so much cover for a very long time and never put up a true challenge to his objectives.
ACORN obviously.
Here's likely and unfortunately their response to that.
Real profiles in courage talking tough in a forum. I don't give a shit If you think an online political show with over 3 million subscribers doesn't have some influence with a number of it's viewers. That's your business. Good Day Sir!
If you felt it was alright to vote 3rd party because you lived in a safe state while hoping the people in battleground states sucked it up and compromised their values in voting for "the lesser of 2 evils" then go fuck yourself.
Your mention of 25th Hour led me to think about Edward Norton's famous "Fuck You" rant and what an updated version would look like.
Weiner! Don't forget the Weiner! Just think what we would have had to tell the children.