
If you haven’t tried a Cosmic Crisp yet, do so. They’re very good, kind of like a Honeycrisp with more apple flavor.

some of the tribe can “hear” heartbeats at a distance, well enough to count the number of attackers over-taking them”

Come on, that’s ‘Alistair Smythe AKA The Spider-Slayer’ you’re dissing.

They probably think Hugh Laurie’s accent for House is good, too.

Because Dr. Strange is such a ‘straight-man’ character, it’s great how they worked in misunderstandings-as-humor for him. e.g.

One more worthwhile tip:
     • Don’t ever use Facebook

I didn’t want to wish ill on anyone for a long time. Made me uncomfortable. But now? This guy? I hope he dies.

All of these ‘theories’ are nice, but it’s a known fact that in the UK, they traditionally celebrate Christmas on the second Friday in August.

Zack Snyder doesn’t understand hope, or aspirational heroes, or that some people can just inherently be decent and honest.

Coors is “The Banquet Beer,” because Banquets are super fancy. Got a “q” and everything.

Alternate title: “15 Hulu Shows You Aren’t Watching Because You Don’t Get Hulu”

I love the movie version of Amanda Waller except for one scene - when she gets angry. Waller shouldn’t get angry, she’d should just calmly walk over, flip the switch and BOOM.

Excellent point - Marvel maintains some creative control and tries to keep an (frankly surprising) allegiance to the source material, but they also clearly try to find writers and directors who fit well with the tone or genre of the property. It’s not always a perfect fit, but the effort

I’ve had this discussion many times - I contend one of the reasons the FF have never worked particularly well on film is Mr. Fantastic’s powers. They are conceptually interesting, but incredibly difficult to make look ‘real,’ and wind up looking dumb as hell on screen.

Exactly this. I think he’s talented and could have made a great movie with a more grounded character. Give him Batman, or the Punisher, or Daredevil, and that’d likely be a much better film.

I’m NOT Asian-American, and also psyched to see this. I also kind of see where the outrage (or displeasure) comes from, though it does feel manufactured/overblown.

I think someone has an odd definition of what ‘betrayed’ means.

Reminds me of the quote from David Ayer when he made Suicide Squad. Essentially: “I thought, everyone is doing these superhero movies, so I better do one too.”

The key to eating at Casa Bonita is this: don’t. Order the cheapest thing on the menu (I believe the nacho salad, still like $10), take it to the table and push it to the side (it’s hard to fuck up nachos, but they manage), and start in on the sopapillas. Put up the flag and as soon as they drop off more and walk

I liked the book on first read. Hit all the nostalgia feels, seemed clever enough as a concept. Then re-read it a couple years later. It did NOT age well. What felt like nostalgia turned to pandering, what seemed clever turned obvious.