
I was also 19 for a whole year. Trust me, it’s substantially more than 50% dummy on average.

I always imagined the casting session something like this:

Mr Lambert, we’d love you for this part, can you do a Scottish accent?


... Okay. You’re hired!

Also do not look up the inside of a turtle’s mouth.

Counterpoint: I will not.

Not sure why the examples aren’t:

I greatly prefer green Tabasco to the original. Green Cholula is even better.

Surprised the McDonald’s sandwich isn’t called the McFil-A, because it’s such a whole-cloth ripoff of the Chik-Fil-A product. They even serve it in a foil-lined bag.

Icing on the shit cake... and the icing is also shit.

How I Met Your Daddy would be the title if this was going to be worth watching.


(cough) Billie Joe Armstrong (cough)

I feel as though I am at least partially responsible for this. In yourYou Don’t Have to Peel Ginger’ article, I commented:

My wife had COVID around Thanksgiving, a very mild case by all accounts. Her first shot of vaccine (Moderna) hit hard, like a 2-3 day flu. All side effects and then some. And with her second shot... nothing.

Yeah, if that ball came in at a slightly different trajectory, the oblivious woman in blue could have been in real trouble.

It has a 7-day free trial, which IMO is more than enough time to watch the 10 half-hour episodes. After that, it’s $5 a month, and Ted Lasso is well worth at least $5.

Alternate answer: Evil

That seems like a stretch. I wouldn’t question it as a surname. Unless it was like “Don Dwan” or something.

Don’t need to peel a kiwi either. Just wash and eat. 

It does not, but at least it’s addressed. TY

The fuck kind of name is ‘Dwan?’