
“Hi, I owe 27k on my car, and that’s too expensive! I’d like to buy a car for $28k to lower my payment.”

The excerpt from this book that was published in The Washington Post this morning is enough to make you want to beat the ever loving shit out of anyone, male or female, that you see or hear defending this crass, stupid, proudly ignorant buffoon. The fact that the man selected by white folks to lead this country is so

I am just popping in to say that a combination of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and meds changed/saved my life. My panic attacks were so bad, that, even though I wasn’t quite there yet, I could see suicide blinking at me on the horizon. It got to the point where I could barely leave my house.

Lemon juice or mushroom stock* work excellent for this also.

Unrealistic body expectations for Pikachus everywhere

Shut up you gigantic tool y’all have been buying FULL PRICED DLC called the third game in every generation now for YEARS without calling previous games unfinished, dear lord

Thanks, but I refuse to use sarcasm tags.

Yes! I see that by how high they place among the states in education, wages, health....

into a thousand years of darkness

Mississippi is known for currently having its shit together. I can see why they wouldn’t want to mess with the formula.

“Unless that was poorly-worded sarcasm, I guess.”

Like the entire article is sarcasm

Thats clearly sarcasm

It’s got two hours of battery life. Alienware reinvented the Sega Genesis Nomad for a new generation.

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

Feel like dropping these folks a line? Giving them a phone call? Phone calls are best, they HAVE to answer the phone and they HAVE to listen to you. Just be polite, calm, and use your good words.

I think the side-benefit to doing this is noticing patterns in what you list/don’t list.

So to say an all powerful superhero would be bored is just a lazy ass story arc.

“Does everyone compete in the Pokémon tournaments?”