Sucks when someone fucks you non-consensually, doesn’t it?
Working out is boring.
Or FCC could go MLS...>.>
FCC! That was so fucking awesome to watch!
That Cincinnati goalkeeper played one of the best games I’ve ever seen a goalie play. He was absolutely out of his mind all game long. It was incredible. Some MLS team needs to snatch him up pronto.
Oh, you thought Threes was just an endless little time-waster for subway rides and long lines? Turns out you can…
+9000 meundies
+9000 meundies
David Acord is a sound engineer for Skywalker Sound, the sound division of Lucasfilm. He’s also a Philadelphia…
Very Rad, indeed. Just not the Radekest...yet.
Yes. I was trying to figure out how to talk to my dad about LGBT rights and the only compelling thing I could think of was saying hey dad I’m gay. Now what? Is it ok for me to be fired for that reason alone? His position is that it’s his duty to tell people who aren’t being godly that it’s not ok and he and Jesus…
The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.
Johnny’s idea of cutting back on the money he spends on partying is to roll up a ten dollar bill rather than a twenty in the club’s bathroom.
To anyone thinking about going to the gym after reading this article, but you’re afraid of what others will think of you, just remember, you may be the fattest most out of shape person in the building, but you’re much better off than all the people sitting at home!
See, driving while White is also dangerous!
Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.
That ball clearly did not consent to scoring. Glad FSU did the right thing for once.