"Now that I think about it, that hole in him was THIS big! And his guts come out and I started slippin' around on his guts. Then a couple other people come along and they started slippin' around on his guts too!"
"Now that I think about it, that hole in him was THIS big! And his guts come out and I started slippin' around on his guts. Then a couple other people come along and they started slippin' around on his guts too!"
Over/under on the use of "betrothed", "covenant", and "inviolable": 10.5
I don't think he intends to kill her. Boyd's feelings for Ava are one of the very few things that get him to behave in an irrational manner. He'll kill her only if he feels completely cornered.
Psychopaths and sociopaths are most definitely not the same thing, regardless of what a single book tells you. Pretty much the whole of psychology academia treats them as two similar but distinct personality issues.
Yep, the only thing I've seen Ava hold/shoot is a shotgun.
I found it amusing and uncomfortably accurate of males that Boyd was more hurt by the mere thought that Ava might be fucking Raylan than he was by her direct admission that she was selling him out to the feds.
Frankly I'm surprised that someone like Winona knows who Wallace Shawn is. That line was a pretty obvious intrusion of the writers' room into the show's universe.
Correct, although Raylan wasn't talking about himself. He was talking to a criminal who was complaining about his daily troubles.
Walker's murder of the EMTs might be the coldest and most brutal offing in the history of this show, and despite six seasons of arm choppings and exploding chests, it genuinely startled and upset me.
I'm thinking less about talent and more about the level of celebrity to which she's ascended in terms of which projects she can avoid. Like Seth Rogen: terrible actor, but big enough celebrity to be able to turn down z-grade crap.
I watched that movie when I was eight years old, which explains what the fuck is wrong with me.
All I can keep asking myself is "What are Mark Duplass and Olivia Wilde doing in this shit?"
"Tell me, Ray, do you ever wear one that says 'undercover'?"
He's going to survive so he and Clooney can do a Raylan/Jack Foley movie. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an Elmore stiffy.
"Wonderful things can happen when you sow the seeds of distrust in a garden of assholes." Has there ever been a show with better writing than this one? (Yes, I know Elmore wrote it first….)
No way Art is an inside man. He's the whitest hat on a show with plenty of gray.
Choo-Choo is the best example of what makes this show so damn great. On virtually any other show of this type, he would have been a stock grunt henchman. Justified gave him an arc, where we went from laughing at him to sympathizing with him and almost hoping Tim missed. RIP Chooch.
Not sure that winning the PGA and DGA qualifies it for "right the fuck out of nowhere". It's been building momentum for weeks.
Once a person refers to a product of their own reproductive system as a parasite, you know that person's words can be automatically dismissed for the remainder of the discussion.
Awesome, now I can be confused in print by the same shit that confused me on film.