It's actually not a mystery. Phoenix and Hopkins detest the process entirely; Mo'Nique was fine to whore for votes as long as she got paid for it.
It's actually not a mystery. Phoenix and Hopkins detest the process entirely; Mo'Nique was fine to whore for votes as long as she got paid for it.
Being left out of a Lee Daniels film can honestly only help one's career.
Does Terence Howard as an Idaho sheriff scream Cleavon Little to anyone else?
Could either Quinto or the kid's parents be any more awful and one-dimensional than they currently are? They're all twats! I'm pretty sure that after two episodes I wasn't supposed to be saying "Let the fucking Earth open and swallow all these people to hell except for only-mildly-creepy Peter Saarsgard who's trying…
Could either Quinto's character or the parents of the brat be any more cunty than they currently are? They're all one-dimensionally awful people. I'm pretty sure that after two episodes I wasn't supposed to be saying "Fucking hell, let the Earth swallow these people except for only mildly creepy Peter Saarsgard with…
There's nothing at all racist about their comments. The most offensive thing is how money-drive their decisions are.
It takes a really heaping pile of shit to make a Michael Bay movie sound good by comparison, but 'From the Producers of 50 Shades of Grey' just might do the trick. (Not that I'm likely to see either of these movies.)
Sometimes you just have to comment with an OH FUCK YES and leave it at that.
Agreed. A Harlan County under the control of Boyd Crowder would be much preferable to one under the thumb of Avery Markham. Markham's only thinking about the money for himself; Boyd, however delusional the thoughts may be, genuinely sees himself as a future benevolent emperor of his people.
I also thought they got that point across with the dialogue in the real estate guy's office when Ginger Asshole Goon mentioned he and Choo-Choo training at Gitmo together.
Raylan has definitely been morally compromised before.
She has a refreshingly normal-hot body by TV standards but it's still difficult even after all these years for me to get past her "crazy lesbian chick who beat her mom's skull in with a stocking full of rocks" days.
There's nothing more wrong with a single-income working dad complaining about everything he does to support the family than with a stay-at-home mom saying the same thing. They're complimentary, tough-as-hell scenarios where those who do the one often forget about or can't relate to the difficulty of doing the other.
Best film I've seen from 2014, in a tie with The Babadook.
I'm not Irish (well, three-quarters by blood) and I got the film's MO perfectly.
According to Graham Yost, they had to delete a scene with another great example of Duffy's casual psychopathic behavior this week, where he offered to pay a woman $10,000 for her silence. When she took the money and then said something about that amount being "for starters", he shot her in the head and said "Didn't I…
To me, all of the terrible stuff that Boyd has done doesn't hold a candle in Raylan's mind to the fact that he knows Arlo considered Boyd the son he always wanted. That would be enough for Raylan to pop him for shoplifting a pack of gum if he had the opportunity.
Based on the Graham Yost interview this week, it's evident that the showrunners still see Raylan as a white hat character, so those of you hoping for a nihilistic downer ending will probably be disappointed.