I know those commercials are designed to sell phones to hipsters, but all they really do is make me want to slam Judy Greer.
I know those commercials are designed to sell phones to hipsters, but all they really do is make me want to slam Judy Greer.
The trailer is put together by Hollywood studio editors trying to sell a Hollywood studio film to the same slack-jawed yokels who helped the latest Transformers shitpile to a $100 million opening weekend.
I'll give Married a spin (even after looking at Gurland's IMDB page against my better judgment and despite the fact that I detest Jenny Slate) but You're The Worst looks aptly named.
I know that Gary Oldman has kind of developed a reputation as a "shouty, scary guy" over the years in the States, but I really thought the trailers and preview clips for this film did a dirty number on his character. You're led to believe he's going to be some paint-by-numbers villain when in reality he's just a…
I got the sense that there was more to that relationship's dynamic than was being let on there. Then again, if divulging any more backstory information means suffering through scenes as painful as the one at the therapist's office, I'll do just fine filling in the blanks myself, thanks.
del Toro better not make me wait more than three episodes to see the estranged wife and her Tool Time boyfriend bite the dust.
The Will Smith "I Am Legend" literally killed Richard Matheson from its awfulness.
Just finished the pilot. Pretty much vintage del Toro: inventive gruesomeness, visual flair, and any dialogue not involving the macabre hovering around the level of a rejected soap-opera script. I'll keep giving this a chance because when it's good (the morgue scene), it's nasty good. But the writing has got to get…
I love AV Club reviews but I'm going to have to respectfully disagree on this one. Other than getting ever so slightly draggy in spots, I found the film to be compelling and outstandingly put together. Characters and plot points had far greater subtlety and dimension than typical Hollywood fare. I also don't think…
GS-11 here, hopefully a month away from my GS-12. I started out as a 7 despite the fact that my Master's degree should have guaranteed me a 9. I mean, the benefits are pretty nice, and if that agent has been with the agency for ten years or more, I guess it's possible he's getting a month of vacation time. My office…
To be fair to Marco, there aren't too many guys passing up the chance at nailing Annabeth Gish.
There were several spots in season one where I felt like abandoning the story because they were just trying to juggle too many things at once. But I think a lot of those problems were actually caused by their dogged adherence to the serial killer plot and not by the subplots themselves, which were honestly more…
I think The Bridge is a different beast than all those shows—honestly it's a different beast than anything else on TV right now. There's a glorious messiness to it that most serialized programs avoid like the plague. Outside of the lame serial killer plot that took up too much of last season, I never know where this…
As a government employee, I'm glad the writers took the time to properly research and mock our contempt for FOIA requests and excellent vacation benefits.
It looks like she'll be saying "Guten Nacht" to a few minor characters this season.
That was one hell of a violent handjob.
Tonight's episode was a distressingly Linder-free Zone. Look, showrunners, I'm going to be blunt: I'm here for Linder.