
Four degrees before top-dead-center, duh.

I'd have to say, at least on some cars, replacing the struts. I'm not really interested in compressing the springs wrong and killing myself or someone nearby - I'll let the shop take that risk.

Puh-leese. I've seen the "pros" at brake shops. I can and do replace my own brake pads on all of our cars (Ford Explorer, couple Mazdas, and a CR-V). And take the rotors off and take them to the machine shop to be turned, and put them back on. The hardest part of a brake job is finding the giant C-clamp I use to

The drawing is a little fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure the goat wagon is a fixie, too...

Yeah, I can see how your reviewers slammed the Brando case:

One too many zeroes. CP

The Capri?

Hahahaha! "Autocrat."

Consumer Reports must think everyone lives next to a CostCo. Closest one to me is about 15 miles from home, or 6 miles from work. Their gas would have to be a lot cheaper than my neighborhood gas station for me to go all the way there just to fill up.

He's the ONLY potential customer.

That. 1000 times that.

Don't rock it too hard - it's probably bondo over rust.

So true. Nothing says "malaise" better than the Mustang II.

Next step: water-cooled heat exchangers to not only generate clean drinking water, but also hot and cold running water. Waste heat from our machines is, in my opinion, a great untapped resource.

This so totally not surprising. Isn't the Defense Department always working up specs for the next generation weapon system? Especially aircraft? Isn't everyone reaming NASA for NOT having the replacement for the Space Shuttle ready before the program ended?

He wrote a 4 page paper when a couple of questions could have done it? Typical physicist...

So, I'm supposed to believe that glaciers can get bigger when there's freakin' Global Warming?? I mean, so what if the atmosphere is warmer and can carry more water vapor, and that can cause heavier rain and snowfall in certain locations. Oh, wait...

I had to turn off ABP on the advice of Gawker tech support. It wasn't playing nice with my version of Chrome and the web site - I had a choice of seeing the ads and being able to search, or not being able to search but no ads. And who said anything about IE? Ick.

:sigh: do I even need to point out that the incident in question happened in Great Britain? So the helicopter pilot wouldn't have a "license" to fly . . . oh, screw it.

Why is this page taking 50% of my CPU cycles, and over 500 MB of RAM?!! Enough with the sloppy ad coding!