
This. I mean, it's a flyin' car, right?


Oh, that's why. I thought it was because something like 10% of the country's gasoline refining capacity has been shuttered recently, and that high global demand has jacked the prices and temporarily turned the US into a net exporter of gasoline. Silly me.

Actually, this is the #1 selling car in America...

I prefer the term, "Felon," to describe his actions.

Tail-fin era Caddy convertible.

My recent (horrible) experience with the Nike+ SportsWatch GPS tells me to wait for version 2 of this device.


Like anyone could even know that.

"You'd also have lawyers and judges who would learn a jurors opinions and beliefs on certain subjects, and they would dismiss them if they didn't agree with the way they wanted the case to turn out."

So you'd like the rest of the people that will share living and breathing space with your kids to bear a greater public health risk than vaccinate your kids, when the chance of your kid developing autism is much lower than the chance of your kid getting (and spreading) measles, mumps, rubella, polio...

Needs moar YF-16 paint job.

Insert obligatory joke about a Gizmodo writer opining about someone else's attention to detail...

Any excuse to post a Vega in QOTD...

This. Not so much because the engine was bad - an aluminum twin-cam 16-valve 140hp engine was pretty freakin' sweet in 1975.

It is still using false information to obtain services though. I'm not sure of the legal technicalities but I'd be shocked if it's not legally considered fraud.

Isetta, duh.

I totally agree. The whip of glasses and/or contacts is a total drag, and I don't trust LASIK. While my distance prescription pretty much stabilized 20 years ago, my astigmatism keeps getting worse, and now I'm getting farsighted.

Didn't Wired do this story almost 3 years ago?

I LOL'd at the Mega Force one. What a crazy lame movie! But I wish they didn't have the year printed on 'em - I would be very tempted to buy the Speed Racer one.