
I totally agree. The whip of glasses and/or contacts is a total drag, and I don't trust LASIK. While my distance prescription pretty much stabilized 20 years ago, my astigmatism keeps getting worse, and now I'm getting farsighted.

Didn't Wired do this story almost 3 years ago?

I LOL'd at the Mega Force one. What a crazy lame movie! But I wish they didn't have the year printed on 'em - I would be very tempted to buy the Speed Racer one.

The security detail rides in the MaxiMOG trailer - the client, driver, and chief bodyguard ride in the MaxiMOG.

I don't do it for this reason - I do it because if we didn't do our shirts this way in Basic Training, we did pushups. That was over 25 years ago, but the habit remains.

And then Lieutenant Dan invested some of my money in some kind of fruit company...

With our first Keurig, we ground our coffee fine. After just over a year (right after warranty expired), it started taking longer to make a cup. Then after a while it would whirr and purr, and nothing would happen. Unless you ran a cup of straight water first. I called Keurig and they suggested a coarser grind, and


Keurig recommends against this, plus it takes forever to get a cup of coffee if you grind your coffee finer.

Hey! What about me?!

We used to be a Keurig household. I had to drink decaf and my wife likes the real stuff, but neither of use wanted more than a cup or 2 a day, so the single-serve machine made sense. But after 3 Keurig branded machines died after an average of 15 months, and a Cuisinart-Keurig machine only lasted 6 months, we gave

And it would take pics without batteries and could be used as a weapon if necessary.

Nice sentiment, but if it used Bluetooth, you'd be able to use any keyboard with it - this way you're locked into the brand.

That clock already has a second hand - what it needs is a third hand.

I know, but I'm sure any legislation will include the opportunity to "lock 'em up and throw away the key" if anyone using a non-back-door'd encryption method is the subject of a search warrant. Until you give up the encryption key.

Dekotora trucks, of course!

more like "meh-sogynistic..."

I fear this is going to go badly for the defendant in the long run. Not that I feel sorry for her - the case is about mortgage fraud, meaning she's suspected of taking someone else's money or property or something that I don't feel like following up on the story to find out.

That means "they acquired one somewhere and copied it."

You'll need to keep them in the garage - even if it doesn't get below freezing, the worms will go somewhat dormant when they get cold. And if they're outside where it gets to -20, they'll freeze to death.