
E-type, Land Rover (the old Daktari kind), and Aston-Martin DB-5.

Ford GT-40 Mk I ??


And you can pull the rear floor out and turn it into a table!

Just thought of another one - the rear floor in the Gen 2 Honda CR-V comes out and has legs to turn it into a table.

There are those that would say 7 gears is just a good start...

How 'bout Subaru's Hill Holder clutch? Handy, but kinda weird.

And in about 8-10 years, the same scenario ends with the hood coming down on your head, because the struts no longer have their factory-fresh "oomph" in the cold weather.

Short people finally have something to cheer about, Randy Newman be damned.

'Bout damn time.

Who wants to bet it will wind up costing about $50 or $75 once it hits the street?

"...if my calculations are correct, that thing is enormous..."

Because ironic.

Jack Swigert would've taped a piece of paper over that switch with the word "NO" on it.

Great. Now get back to making big-ass rockets that will restore my faith in the American space program.

Um, ok...

Please. Please, please. Since daylight savings time ended, I put the bike in the garage and started running. I have put in about 120 miles since 11/1/11 (not huge, I know) and most weeks I run 4 or 5 days. Most of those runs have been in my own neighborhood.

"He is also up for re-election this year"

That flight does exist. Unfortunately, it only lands at Gitmo...

Off topic, but why do the images on some stories turn white at the top? Kinda like someone sprayed the top 1/4 of the image with fake snow or something. It's really annoying.