
This is as remarkable/gratifying as it is pathetic/infurating. Women driving themselves shouldn’t even be a concern in any modern or rational society, yet here the fuck we are.

It’s a hollow victory considering that the women that protested to make this a reality are still in prison, being tortured, have disappeared or have had to flee the country. Women driving is a good thing but it’s only a crumb that MBS has tossed out so that everyone will look the other way on his repressive, murderous

Blogging: A career where you can collect revenue by voicing the moral high-ground stance, while also collecting revenue through advertising the very thing you are against.

That’s not my reading of it... it seems like Brawnychicken is ASKING the hard questions. Not saying let’s not do it, but rather; how?

The UAW is forcing the workers to live on $250 a week from their pockets while on strike. Perhaps they should push the UAW to up that amount?

Think this can’t go on too much longer because the UAW may be going out of cash in their coffers.   Time for more dues from the union folks. 


...Are there actually people who think it's transphobic if a lesbian doesn't want to sleep with someone who has a penis?

Not indicated: What (if any) was the impact of Cash for Clunkers? I know the program was designed to take “oldish” cars off of the market in 2009, but I’m unclear as to how it would impact this study. Those cars that were traded in during that time would have also been well under 10k. 

On Teslas, I think smug vanity license plates are more common than bumper stickers. Owners get to show off how clever they are that way!

Yeah but it’s green...right?

Hmmmm, and it seems that the Musk family is behind that fraud too.

But they’re supposed to saving the world one credit and bumper sticker at a time...

Now playing

Oh no! Say it isn’t so! You mean some EV Owners (*gasp*) are less than honest about the usage of the credits?

I use the taste method myself- ooh sweet coolant how I miss you

This should be plastered on billboards and signs. I never understood how its people think its “ok” to go thru someones phone or computer because you “think” something is going on.

If you are a recent grad, you dont deserve the right to hate anything yet. Get a helpdesk, returns retail, or food services job under your belt. Then, then you can complain. #getoffmylawn

Let’s not confuse desire to work with an aversion to office work. I have a few friends, who talk about how they don’t want to be an office drone, work for a big corporation, etc. What they really mean is that they don’t want to work very hard/much.

This might work if you're parking on white cement or something, but on black asphalt, it's useless. Best way to determine what's what is by dipping your hand in it, looking at it, feeling it, smelling it, and tasting it.

Obviously this was written by someone who has never owned an old car, for if they had, they would have known that thin brown fluid also indicates where you left your rusting hulk standing after driving it in the rain, and that red fluid indicates the spot where you slashed your hand open when the wrench slipped off