
I agree. I don’t hate my job, but don’t love it either. I’m in IT support, so my day is full of phone calls and repairs, I don’t get any feeling of accomplishment from it. When an interesting project comes across my desk, then I get motivated, maybe it’s a new server build that uses higher end components, or an unortho

For when you wanted to drink at a higher class than Smirknoff Ice

Exactly, no one has a plan to combat the cost of higher education, only how to pay the extreme costs. The “free” vocational schools is the best choice, then they can actually learn a trade instead of getting a degree in Gender studies or Art history and then complaining they can’t find a job in their “field”. Guess

Wow, that seems like a lot of work and personal responsiblity.../s

Actually, lots of people have asked where that money comes from, we just don’t get an answer.

See, people who don’t care what the “other side” has to say, don’t want to have a healthy debate, usually due to the fear that their beliefs may be challenged and they might then find out that they were wrong.

Next week on Lifehacker “How to help people who have broken into peoples homes, stole items, and punched your 3year old sister in the face while she slept, during a law enforcement raid”

Like it or now, most everyone’s morals have a price.

What really sucks is when you have a care loan with a small, local bank, pay it off, then 2 years later apply for another load (with a different bank) and they say that your credit history doesn’t show that you ever had a car loan, therefore you don’t have a long credit history.

The framentation of content is a real problem.  Even while paying for different streaming services, I don’t know what server the show or movie I want to watch is on.  We need an app that you can search a show/ movie, and it will show you what service it is on.  (if this already exists, please let me know!)  Pirating

eh, not that cool, my WRX plays knocking noises from the engine, no speakers required..

Sounds like it’s time for another Cash for Clunkers /s

You could also order one of these from Telemaricorp

They are making money, that is what they get paid hourly for.

Weather Reporter, the only job where you can be wrong 80% of the time and not get fired.

I owned 3 Tiburons, 97, 98, and a 2008.  The 2008 felt much worse than the ones 10 years older, and much cheaper feeling than it’s competition at the time, also it was cheaper, purchased new in 2009 for 13k.  I enjoyed my 98 for 13 years.

That’s what I’ve been looking for since getting my bike! Just checked it out but there is large empty spot around Buffalo, ugh, only straight roads to be found.

I just took my motorcycle class on a street 500, the fit and finish on that thing is not worth what they are asking for it.  Any other $7k bike is leaps and bounds better in quality. (it also wouldn’t shift to neutral, but that could be it’s been abused it’s entire life)