Or maybe don’t rely on the federal government so damn much. By working for them your entire lives, working and private, are controlled by a bunch of shitbags in DC.
Or maybe don’t rely on the federal government so damn much. By working for them your entire lives, working and private, are controlled by a bunch of shitbags in DC.
Is...is this a possibility? asking for a friend.
Huh, they must have got the internet back up and running quickly since it is now working.
Or don’t give the government a no interest loan in the first place. If they would actually pass a budget on time (the last time was 1997!!) then they could actually take the appropriate amount of taxes from your paycheck and the “tax” season would basically be for life changes that change your tax situation for the…
Complain when they break the law and get locked up
This will be a death blow to smaller 2-1 devices like Asus Transformer windows tablets that only came with 32gb or 64gb of hdd storage.
Plus Limos have tint, and Cuomo doesn’t like tint.
I yearn to live in a world where one can murder someone of different race without it being a hate crime.
Why not? Are tourists above being a decent person?
Except a new car has to be manufactured, shipped, and purchased by the owner. Insurance rates will go up for everyone to cover the damage also.
But remember, it is 100000% Trump’s fault that GM not selling vehicles.
Even if you identify the person, history shows that the authorities won’t/can’t do much about it, unfortunately.
Hey boss, we are hiring for the new head of transit position, we have narrowed it down to two applicants, but how do we pick which one if best for the job?
Yes, between the corruption, late night borderline illegal passing of laws, closing of mental health facilities, closing state prisons, Buffalo Billion / Solar City fiasco, not taking a stance (either direction) on legal mariuana or fracking, SAFE act, tint laws, questionable campaign contributions, and we can’t even…
That’s part of the problem, there was no good candidate running against Cuomo.
It must have been the wrong type of socialist music service. No one has tried a REAL socialist music service, but if they did it would be a utopia!
Enjoy the perks of voting without actually making difference
I wish they would break down “Other Mandatory Programs”
Well, I know my taxes don’t go to painting the road lines.