Your analogy is inccorect because you one does not enter the U.S. illegally without intent.
Than why is it only a women’s concern and not the man’s if she wants an abortion or not?
Are you saying that I can’t choose what gender I am? This is discrimination /s
Soooo, your complaining that you need to spend some time and put forth effort to fill out a form to get free money?? I do agree that the costs of college is too high, but no one is attacking that problem, instead of trying to find a way to make college cost less, everyone is trying to figure out how to pay these…
Not just 9-11, but look how Katrina was handled.
Instructions unclear, now being investigated for donating to the Irish Republican Army.
If this was a requirement in the USA, it would be looked at as anti-immigration.
But could we create more jobs here though?
Then they should sue the car manufacturer since they could have installed a device in the seat that is linked to the driver’s cell phone that would disable the phone while the card is in motion, the technology is there. While they are at it, they should sue the cell phone carrier, the person on the other end of the…
She was probably fine with the naked statue of Trump a few months ago though.
A Shot for everytime Hillary coughs!
Jimmies were made by GM not Ford.
At first I was thinking you forgot the 1 in front of your 63-68 (that would be to high for most styles), then I did the celcius conversion!
It’s ok, we’re taking it back!
If it’s the chicken, it probably does have arenic.
Terrorized? Really? Was he he using violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims?
Citrus, lilac or rose aromas may cost more also.