
You didn't even mention the idea of being able to take and view 3d photos and video. Or any clever uses devs might come up with having a 3d screen, 3d camera, gps, accelerometers, NFC, dual core cpu. More hardware capabilities allows the software guys to do even crazier things, i think it is a natural evolution and

usually choosing a life of crime indicates that they are not this tech savvy. Anyone want to start a high tech crime ring? This could be fun!

And you can get a used road bike for around $100, what is your point?

I dont think you need an X-prize. If someone can revolutionize battery technology. They will have more money than they can spend in a life time.

unfortunately their village rests on one of the largest deposits of priceybdenum. Send in the gun ships!

@NormalHuman: But the pain of losing the woman i loved is so strong. But oh wait im not ugly ill just go bag me some babe who isn't a less attractive version katie holmes!

thats what happens when you leave your voicemail message as: " you have reached 7 - 6 - 0... 5 - 3 -3....... please leave a message.

@Harman_M: Because we are bigger and smarter, and if they declare war, we will win!

just burn your mail and it will fill your house with a nice smokey smell and the mail will float into the sky and become stars.

Can you see out of them? and more importantly does it protect against UV Rays?

In one month i am going to throw a brick through the window at best buy. Free electronics for everyone, i just hope they don't reinforce the windows in the meantime.

This with a monster 3d Tv, and a bitchin FPS game would be LEGIT!

@farker: Well then Soblem Prolved

I say, just put big ass locks on the cockpit. If someone really wants to get a weapon/bomb onto a plane then they will. Just keep them from turning the plane into a missile and its will still be the safest way to travel.

Will an antimatter explosion produce radioactivity? If not, why not use it to power rockets/space shuttle?

@CommodoreRake: Agreed, when will this song ever be played? That being said 3 is the least bad, because its funny.

my biological clock woke me up an hour early b/c of daylight savings... went back to sleep... and my iPhone alarm clock woke me up an hour late b/c of daylight savings ffffuuuuuuuu!!!!

@rashad123us: Because i desperately want to see the back of my hand when holding my phone.